Signal processing (scipy.signal)


convolve (in1, in2[, mode]) Convolve two N-dimensional arrays.
correlate (in1, in2[, mode]) Cross-correlate two N-dimensional arrays.
fftconvolve (in1, in2[, mode]) Convolve two N-dimensional arrays using FFT. See convolve.
convolve2d (in1, in2[, mode, boundary, ...]) Convolve two 2-dimensional arrays.
correlate2d (in1, in2[, mode, boundary, ...]) Cross-correlate two 2-dimensional arrays.
sepfir2d () sepfir2d(input, hrow, hcol) -> output


bspline (x, n) bspline(x,n): B-spline basis function of order n. uses numpy.piecewise and automatic function-generator.
gauss_spline (x, n) Gaussian approximation to B-spline basis function of order n.
cspline1d (signal[, lamb]) Compute cubic spline coefficients for rank-1 array.
qspline1d (signal[, lamb]) Compute quadratic spline coefficients for rank-1 array.
cspline2d () cspline2d(input {, lambda, precision}) -> ck
qspline2d () qspline2d(input {, lambda, precision}) -> qk
spline_filter (Iin[, lmbda]) Smoothing spline (cubic) filtering of a rank-2 array.


order_filter (a, domain, rank) Perform an order filter on an N-dimensional array.
medfilt (volume[, kernel_size]) Perform a median filter on an N-dimensional array.
wiener (im[, mysize, noise]) Perform a Wiener filter on an N-dimensional array.
symiirorder1 () symiirorder1(input, c0, z1 {, precision}) -> output
symiirorder2 () symiirorder2(input, r, omega {, precision}) -> output
lfilter (b, a, x[, axis, zi]) Filter data along one-dimension with an IIR or FIR filter.
deconvolve (signal, divisor) Deconvolves divisor out of signal.
hilbert (x[, N]) Compute the analytic signal.
get_window (window, Nx[, fftbins]) Return a window of length Nx and type window.
detrend (data[, axis, type, bp]) Remove linear trend along axis from data.
resample (x, num[, t, axis, window]) Resample to num samples using Fourier method along the given axis.

Filter design

remez (numtaps, bands, desired[, weight, Hz, type, ...]) Calculate the minimax optimal filter using Remez exchange algorithm.
firwin (N, cutoff[, width, window]) FIR Filter Design using windowed ideal filter method.
iirdesign (wp, ws, gpass, gstop[, analog, ftype, output]) Complete IIR digital and analog filter design.
iirfilter (N, Wn[, rp, rs, btype, analog, ...]) IIR digital and analog filter design given order and critical points.
freqs (b, a[, worN, plot]) Compute frequency response of analog filter.
freqz (b[, a, worN, whole, ...]) Compute frequency response of a digital filter.
unique_roots (p[, tol, rtype]) Determine the unique roots and their multiplicities in two lists
residue (b, a[, tol, rtype]) Compute partial-fraction expansion of b(s) / a(s).
residuez (b, a[, tol, rtype]) Compute partial-fraction expansion of b(z) / a(z).
invres (r, p, k[, tol, rtype]) Compute b(s) and a(s) from partial fraction expansion: r,p,k

Matlab-style IIR filter design

butter (N, Wn[, btype, analog, output]) Butterworth digital and analog filter design.
buttord (wp, ws, gpass, gstop[, analog]) Butterworth filter order selection.
cheby1 (N, rp, Wn[, btype, analog, output]) Chebyshev type I digital and analog filter design.
cheb1ord (wp, ws, gpass, gstop[, analog]) Chebyshev type I filter order selection.
cheby2 (N, rs, Wn[, btype, analog, output]) Chebyshev type I digital and analog filter design.
cheb2ord (wp, ws, gpass, gstop[, analog]) Chebyshev type II filter order selection.
ellip (N, rp, rs, Wn[, btype, analog, output]) Elliptic (Cauer) digital and analog filter design.
ellipord (wp, ws, gpass, gstop[, analog]) Elliptic (Cauer) filter order selection.
bessel (N, Wn[, btype, analog, output]) Bessel digital and analog filter design.

Linear Systems

lti Linear Time Invariant class which simplifies representation.
lsim (system, U, T[, X0, interp]) Simulate output of a continuous-time linear system.
impulse (system[, X0, T, N]) Impulse response of continuous-time system.
step (system[, X0, T, N]) Step response of continuous-time system.

LTI Reresentations

tf2zpk (b, a) Return zero, pole, gain (z,p,k) representation from a numerator, denominator representation of a linear filter.
zpk2tf (z, p, k) Return polynomial transfer function representation from zeros and poles
tf2ss (num, den) Transfer function to state-space representation.
ss2tf (A, B, C, D[, input]) State-space to transfer function.
zpk2ss (z, p, k) Zero-pole-gain representation to state-space representation
ss2zpk (A, B, C, D[, input]) State-space representation to zero-pole-gain representation.


sawtooth (t[, width]) Returns a periodic sawtooth waveform with period 2*pi which rises from -1 to 1 on the interval 0 to width*2*pi and drops from 1 to -1 on the interval width*2*pi to 2*pi width must be in the interval [0,1]
square (t[, duty]) Returns a periodic square-wave waveform with period 2*pi which is +1 from 0 to 2*pi*duty and -1 from 2*pi*duty to 2*pi duty must be in the interval [0,1]
gausspulse (t[, fc, bw, bwr, tpr, ...]) Return a gaussian modulated sinusoid: exp(-a t^2) exp(1j*2*pi*fc)
chirp (t[, f0, t1, f1, method, ...]) Frequency-swept cosine generator.

Window functions

boxcar (M[, sym]) The M-point boxcar window.
triang (M[, sym]) The M-point triangular window.
parzen (M[, sym]) The M-point Parzen window.
bohman (M[, sym]) The M-point Bohman window.
blackman (M[, sym]) The M-point Blackman window.
blackmanharris (M[, sym]) The M-point minimum 4-term Blackman-Harris window.
nuttall (M[, sym]) A minimum 4-term Blackman-Harris window according to Nuttall.
flattop (M[, sym]) The M-point Flat top window.
bartlett (M[, sym]) The M-point Bartlett window.
hann (M[, sym]) The M-point Hanning window.
barthann (M[, sym]) Return the M-point modified Bartlett-Hann window.
hamming (M[, sym]) The M-point Hamming window.
kaiser (M, beta[, sym]) Return a Kaiser window of length M with shape parameter beta.
gaussian (M, std[, sym]) Return a Gaussian window of length M with standard-deviation std.
general_gaussian (M, p, sig[, sym]) Return a window with a generalized Gaussian shape.
slepian (M, width[, sym]) Return the M-point slepian window.


daub (p) The coefficients for the FIR low-pass filter producing Daubechies wavelets.
qmf (hk) Return high-pass qmf filter from low-pass
cascade (hk[, J]) (x,phi,psi) at dyadic points K/2**J from filter coefficients.