- scipy.linalg.lapack.sgbsv(kl, ku, ab, b[, overwrite_ab, overwrite_b]) = <fortran function sgbsv>#
Wrapper for
.- Parameters:
- klinput int
- kuinput int
- abinput rank-2 array(‘f’) with bounds (1 + 2 * kl + ku,n)
- binput rank-2 array(‘f’) with bounds (n,nrhs)
- Returns:
- lubrank-2 array(‘f’) with bounds (1 + 2 * kl + ku,n) and ab storage
- pivrank-1 array(‘i’) with bounds (n)
- xrank-2 array(‘f’) with bounds (n,nrhs) and b storage
- infoint
- Other Parameters:
- overwrite_abinput int, optional
Default: 0
- overwrite_binput int, optional
Default: 0