

class scipy.stats.Mixture(components, *, weights=None)[source]#

Representation of a mixture distribution.

A mixture distribution is the distribution of a random variable defined in the following way: first, a random variable is selected from components according to the probabilities given by weights, then the selected random variable is realized.

componentssequence of ContinuousDistribution

The underlying instances of ContinuousDistribution. All must have scalar shape parameters (if any); e.g., the pdf evaluated at a scalar argument must return a scalar.

weightssequence of floats, optional

The corresponding probabilities of selecting each random variable. Must be non-negative and sum to one. The default behavior is to weight all components equally.


The following abbreviations are used throughout the documentation.

  • PDF: probability density function

  • CDF: cumulative distribution function

  • CCDF: complementary CDF

  • entropy: differential entropy

  • log-F: logarithm of F (e.g. log-CDF)

  • inverse F: inverse function of F (e.g. inverse CDF)



Mixture distribution, Wikipedia,

componentssequence of ContinuousDistribution

The underlying instances of ContinuousDistribution.


The corresponding probabilities of selecting each random variable.



Support of the random variable

sample([shape, rng, method])

Random sample from the distribution.

moment([order, kind, method])

Raw, central, or standard moment of positive integer order.

mean(*[, method])

Mean (raw first moment about the origin)

median(*[, method])

Median (50th percentil)

mode(*[, method])

Mode (most likely value)

variance(*[, method])

Variance (central second moment)

standard_deviation(*[, method])

Standard deviation (square root of the second central moment)

skewness(*[, method])

Skewness (standardized third moment)

kurtosis(*[, method])

Kurtosis (standardized fourth moment)

pdf(x, /, *[, method])

Probability density function

logpdf(x, /, *[, method])

Log of the probability density function

cdf(x[, y, method])

Cumulative distribution function

icdf(p, /, *[, method])

Inverse of the cumulative distribution function.

ccdf(x[, y, method])

Complementary cumulative distribution function

iccdf(p, /, *[, method])

Inverse complementary cumulative distribution function.

logcdf(x[, y, method])

Log of the cumulative distribution function

ilogcdf(p, /, *[, method])

Inverse of the logarithm of the cumulative distribution function.

logccdf(x[, y, method])

Log of the complementary cumulative distribution function

ilogccdf(p, /, *[, method])

Inverse of the log of the complementary cumulative distribution function.

entropy(*[, method])

Differential entropy