
scipy.special.nbdtrik(y, n, p, out=None) = <ufunc 'nbdtrik'>#

Negative binomial percentile function.

Returns the inverse with respect to the parameter k of y = nbdtr(k, n, p), the negative binomial cumulative distribution function.


The probability of k or fewer failures before n successes (float).


The target number of successes (positive int).


Probability of success in a single event (float).

outndarray, optional

Optional output array for the function results

kscalar or ndarray

The maximum number of allowed failures such that nbdtr(k, n, p) = y.

See also


Cumulative distribution function of the negative binomial.


Survival function of the negative binomial.


Inverse with respect to p of nbdtr(k, n, p).


Inverse with respect to n of nbdtr(k, n, p).


Negative binomial distribution


Wrapper for the CDFLIB [1] Fortran routine cdfnbn.

Formula 26.5.26 of [2],

\[\sum_{j=k + 1}^\infty {{n + j - 1}\choose{j}} p^n (1 - p)^j = I_{1 - p}(k + 1, n),\]

is used to reduce calculation of the cumulative distribution function to that of a regularized incomplete beta \(I\).

Computation of k involves a search for a value that produces the desired value of y. The search relies on the monotonicity of y with k.



Barry Brown, James Lovato, and Kathy Russell, CDFLIB: Library of Fortran Routines for Cumulative Distribution Functions, Inverses, and Other Parameters.


Milton Abramowitz and Irene A. Stegun, eds. Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables. New York: Dover, 1972.


Compute the negative binomial cumulative distribution function for an exemplary parameter set.

>>> import numpy as np
>>> from scipy.special import nbdtr, nbdtrik
>>> k, n, p = 5, 2, 0.5
>>> cdf_value = nbdtr(k, n, p)
>>> cdf_value

Verify that nbdtrik recovers the original value for k.

>>> nbdtrik(cdf_value, n, p)

Plot the function for different parameter sets.

>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> p_parameters = [0.2, 0.5, 0.7, 0.5]
>>> n_parameters = [30, 30, 30, 80]
>>> linestyles = ['solid', 'dashed', 'dotted', 'dashdot']
>>> parameters_list = list(zip(p_parameters, n_parameters, linestyles))
>>> cdf_vals = np.linspace(0, 1, 1000)
>>> fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 8))
>>> for parameter_set in parameters_list:
...     p, n, style = parameter_set
...     nbdtrik_vals = nbdtrik(cdf_vals, n, p)
...     ax.plot(cdf_vals, nbdtrik_vals, label=rf"$n={n},\ p={p}$",
...             ls=style)
>>> ax.legend()
>>> ax.set_ylabel("$k$")
>>> ax.set_xlabel("$CDF$")
>>> ax.set_title("Negative binomial percentile function")

The negative binomial distribution is also available as scipy.stats.nbinom. The percentile function method ppf returns the result of nbdtrik rounded up to integers:

>>> from scipy.stats import nbinom
>>> q, n, p = 0.6, 5, 0.5
>>> nbinom.ppf(q, n, p), nbdtrik(q, n, p)
(5.0, 4.800428460273882)