SciPy 2-D sparse matrix package.
Original code by Travis Oliphant. Modified and extended by Ed Schofield, Robert Cimrman, and Nathan Bell.
To construct a matrix efficiently, use either lil_matrix (recommended) or dok_matrix. The lil_matrix class supports basic slicing and fancy indexing with a similar syntax to NumPy arrays. As illustrated below, the COO format may also be used to efficiently construct matrices.
To perform manipulations such as multiplication or inversion, first convert the matrix to either CSC or CSR format. The lil_matrix format is row-based, so conversion to CSR is efficient, whereas conversion to CSC is less so.
All conversions among the CSR, CSC, and COO formats are efficient, linear-time operations.
Construct a 1000x1000 lil_matrix and add some values to it:
>>> from scipy.sparse import lil_matrix
>>> from scipy.sparse.linalg import spsolve
>>> from numpy.linalg import solve, norm
>>> from numpy.random import rand
>>> A = lil_matrix((1000, 1000))
>>> A[0, :100] = rand(100)
>>> A[1, 100:200] = A[0, :100]
>>> A.setdiag(rand(1000))
Now convert it to CSR format and solve A x = b for x:
>>> A = A.tocsr()
>>> b = rand(1000)
>>> x = spsolve(A, b)
Convert it to a dense matrix and solve, and check that the result is the same:
>>> x_ = solve(A.todense(), b)
Now we can compute norm of the error with:
>>> err = norm(x-x_)
>>> err < 1e-10
It should be small :)
Construct a matrix in COO format:
>>> from scipy import sparse
>>> from numpy import array
>>> I = array([0,3,1,0])
>>> J = array([0,3,1,2])
>>> V = array([4,5,7,9])
>>> A = sparse.coo_matrix((V,(I,J)),shape=(4,4))
Notice that the indices do not need to be sorted.
Duplicate (i,j) entries are summed when converting to CSR or CSC.
>>> I = array([0,0,1,3,1,0,0])
>>> J = array([0,2,1,3,1,0,0])
>>> V = array([1,1,1,1,1,1,1])
>>> B = sparse.coo_matrix((V,(I,J)),shape=(4,4)).tocsr()
This is useful for constructing finite-element stiffness and mass matrices.
CSR column indices are not necessarily sorted. Likewise for CSC row indices. Use the .sorted_indices() and .sort_indices() methods when sorted indices are required (e.g. when passing data to other libraries).
base | Base class for sparse matrices |
bsr | Compressed Block Sparse Row matrix format |
compressed | Base class for sparse matrix formats using compressed storage |
construct | Functions to construct sparse matrices |
coo | A sparse matrix in COOrdinate or ‘triplet’ format |
csc | Compressed Sparse Column matrix format |
csgraph | Compressed Sparse graph algorithms |
csr | Compressed Sparse Row matrix format |
data | Base class for sparse matrice with a .data attribute |
dia | Sparse DIAgonal format |
dok | Dictionary Of Keys based matrix |
extract | Functions to extract parts of sparse matrices |
lil | LInked List sparse matrix class |
linalg | Sparse Linear Algebra |
sparsetools | sparsetools - a collection of routines for sparse matrix operations |
spfuncs | Functions that operate on sparse matrices |
sputils | Utility functions for sparse matrix module |
SparseEfficiencyWarning | |
SparseWarning | |
bsr_matrix(arg1[, shape, dtype, copy, blocksize]) | Block Sparse Row matrix |
coo_matrix(arg1[, shape, dtype, copy]) | A sparse matrix in COOrdinate format. |
csc_matrix(arg1[, shape, dtype, copy]) | Compressed Sparse Column matrix |
csr_matrix(arg1[, shape, dtype, copy]) | Compressed Sparse Row matrix |
dia_matrix(arg1[, shape, dtype, copy]) | Sparse matrix with DIAgonal storage |
dok_matrix(arg1[, shape, dtype, copy]) | Dictionary Of Keys based sparse matrix. |
lil_matrix(arg1[, shape, dtype, copy]) | Row-based linked list sparse matrix |
bmat(blocks[, format, dtype]) | Build a sparse matrix from sparse sub-blocks |
cs_graph_components(x) | Determine connected compoments of a graph stored as a compressed sparse row or column matrix. |
eye(m, n[, k, dtype, format]) | eye(m, n) returns a sparse (m x n) matrix where the k-th diagonal |
find(A) | Return the indices and values of the nonzero elements of a matrix |
hstack(blocks[, format, dtype]) | Stack sparse matrices horizontally (column wise) |
identity(n[, dtype, format]) | Identity matrix in sparse format |
issparse(x) | |
isspmatrix(x) | |
isspmatrix_bsr(x) | |
isspmatrix_coo(x) | |
isspmatrix_csc(x) | |
isspmatrix_csr(x) | |
isspmatrix_dia(x) | |
isspmatrix_dok(x) | |
isspmatrix_lil(x) | |
kron(A, B[, format]) | kronecker product of sparse matrices A and B |
kronsum(A, B[, format]) | kronecker sum of sparse matrices A and B |
lil_diags | |
lil_eye | |
rand(m, n[, density, format, dtype]) | Generate a sparse matrix of the given shape and density with uniformely distributed values. |
spdiags(data, diags, m, n[, format]) | Return a sparse matrix from diagonals. |
tril(A[, k, format]) | Return the lower triangular portion of a matrix in sparse format |
triu(A[, k, format]) | Return the upper triangular portion of a matrix in sparse format |
vstack(blocks[, format, dtype]) | Stack sparse matrices vertically (row wise) |
csc_matrix(arg1[, shape, dtype, copy]) | Compressed Sparse Column matrix |
csr_matrix(arg1[, shape, dtype, copy]) | Compressed Sparse Row matrix |
bsr_matrix(arg1[, shape, dtype, copy, blocksize]) | Block Sparse Row matrix |
lil_matrix(arg1[, shape, dtype, copy]) | Row-based linked list sparse matrix |
dok_matrix(arg1[, shape, dtype, copy]) | Dictionary Of Keys based sparse matrix. |
coo_matrix(arg1[, shape, dtype, copy]) | A sparse matrix in COOrdinate format. |
dia_matrix(arg1[, shape, dtype, copy]) | Sparse matrix with DIAgonal storage |
Building sparse matrices:
eye(m, n[, k, dtype, format]) | eye(m, n) returns a sparse (m x n) matrix where the k-th diagonal |
identity(n[, dtype, format]) | Identity matrix in sparse format |
kron(A, B[, format]) | kronecker product of sparse matrices A and B |
kronsum(A, B[, format]) | kronecker sum of sparse matrices A and B |
spdiags(data, diags, m, n[, format]) | Return a sparse matrix from diagonals. |
tril(A[, k, format]) | Return the lower triangular portion of a matrix in sparse format |
triu(A[, k, format]) | Return the upper triangular portion of a matrix in sparse format |
bmat(blocks[, format, dtype]) | Build a sparse matrix from sparse sub-blocks |
hstack(blocks[, format, dtype]) | Stack sparse matrices horizontally (column wise) |
vstack(blocks[, format, dtype]) | Stack sparse matrices vertically (row wise) |
Identifying sparse matrices:
issparse(x) | |
isspmatrix(x) | |
isspmatrix_csc(x) | |
isspmatrix_csr(x) | |
isspmatrix_bsr(x) | |
isspmatrix_lil(x) | |
isspmatrix_dok(x) | |
isspmatrix_coo(x) | |
isspmatrix_dia(x) |