- scipy.special.ellipkinc(phi, m, out=None) = <ufunc 'ellipkinc'>#
Incomplete elliptic integral of the first kind
This function is defined as
This function is also called F(\phi, m).
- Parameters
- phiarray_like
amplitude of the elliptic integral
- marray_like
parameter of the elliptic integral
- outndarray, optional
Optional output array for the function values
- Returns
- Kscalar or ndarray
Value of the elliptic integral
See also
Wrapper for the Cephes [1] routine ellik. The computation is carried out using the arithmetic-geometric mean algorithm.
The parameterization in terms of m follows that of section 17.2 in [2]. Other parameterizations in terms of the complementary parameter 1 - m, modular angle \sin^2(\alpha) = m, or modulus k^2 = m are also used, so be careful that you choose the correct parameter.
The Legendre K incomplete integral (or F integral) is related to Carlson’s symmetric R_F function [3]. Setting c = \csc^2\phi,
F(\phi, m) = R_F(c-1, c-k^2, c) .References
- 1
Cephes Mathematical Functions Library,
- 2
Milton Abramowitz and Irene A. Stegun, eds. Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables. New York: Dover, 1972.
- 3
NIST Digital Library of Mathematical Functions., Release 1.0.28 of 2020-09-15. See Sec. 19.25(i)