

static Covariance.from_precision(precision, covariance=None)[source]#

Return a representation of a covariance from its precision matrix.


The precision matrix; that is, the inverse of a square, symmetric, positive definite covariance matrix.

covariancearray_like, optional

The square, symmetric, positive definite covariance matrix. If not provided, this may need to be calculated (e.g. to evaluate the cumulative distribution function of scipy.stats.multivariate_normal) by inverting precision.


Let the covariance matrix be \(A\), its precision matrix be \(P = A^{-1}\), and \(L\) be the lower Cholesky factor such that \(L L^T = P\). Whitening of a data point \(x\) is performed by computing \(x^T L\). \(\log\det{A}\) is calculated as \(-2tr(\log{L})\), where the \(\log\) operation is performed element-wise.

This Covariance class does not support singular covariance matrices because the precision matrix does not exist for a singular covariance matrix.


Prepare a symmetric positive definite precision matrix P and a data point x. (If the precision matrix is not already available, consider the other factory methods of the Covariance class.)

>>> import numpy as np
>>> from scipy import stats
>>> rng = np.random.default_rng()
>>> n = 5
>>> P = rng.random(size=(n, n))
>>> P = P @ P.T  # a precision matrix must be positive definite
>>> x = rng.random(size=n)

Create the Covariance object.

>>> cov = stats.Covariance.from_precision(P)

Compare the functionality of the Covariance object against reference implementations.

>>> res = cov.whiten(x)
>>> ref = x @ np.linalg.cholesky(P)
>>> np.allclose(res, ref)
>>> res = cov.log_pdet
>>> ref = -np.linalg.slogdet(P)[-1]
>>> np.allclose(res, ref)