

Rotation.as_rotvec(self, degrees=False)#

Represent as rotation vectors.

A rotation vector is a 3 dimensional vector which is co-directional to the axis of rotation and whose norm gives the angle of rotation [1].

degreesboolean, optional

Returned magnitudes are in degrees if this flag is True, else they are in radians. Default is False.

Added in version 1.7.0.

rotvecndarray, shape (3,) or (N, 3)

Shape depends on shape of inputs used for initialization.



>>> from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation as R
>>> import numpy as np

Represent a single rotation:

>>> r = R.from_euler('z', 90, degrees=True)
>>> r.as_rotvec()
array([0.        , 0.        , 1.57079633])
>>> r.as_rotvec().shape

Represent a rotation in degrees:

>>> r = R.from_euler('YX', (-90, -90), degrees=True)
>>> s = r.as_rotvec(degrees=True)
>>> s
array([-69.2820323, -69.2820323, -69.2820323])
>>> np.linalg.norm(s)

Represent a stack with a single rotation:

>>> r = R.from_quat([[0, 0, 1, 1]])
>>> r.as_rotvec()
array([[0.        , 0.        , 1.57079633]])
>>> r.as_rotvec().shape
(1, 3)

Represent multiple rotations in a single object:

>>> r = R.from_quat([[0, 0, 1, 1], [1, 1, 0, 1]])
>>> r.as_rotvec()
array([[0.        , 0.        , 1.57079633],
       [1.35102172, 1.35102172, 0.        ]])
>>> r.as_rotvec().shape
(2, 3)