
scipy.special.lambertw(z, k=0, tol=1e-8)[source]#

Lambert W function.

The Lambert W function W(z) is defined as the inverse function of w * exp(w). In other words, the value of W(z) is such that z = W(z) * exp(W(z)) for any complex number z.

The Lambert W function is a multivalued function with infinitely many branches. Each branch gives a separate solution of the equation z = w exp(w). Here, the branches are indexed by the integer k.


Input argument.

kint, optional

Branch index.

tolfloat, optional

Evaluation tolerance.


w will have the same shape as z.

See also


the Wright Omega function


All branches are supported by lambertw:

  • lambertw(z) gives the principal solution (branch 0)

  • lambertw(z, k) gives the solution on branch k

The Lambert W function has two partially real branches: the principal branch (k = 0) is real for real z > -1/e, and the k = -1 branch is real for -1/e < z < 0. All branches except k = 0 have a logarithmic singularity at z = 0.

Possible issues

The evaluation can become inaccurate very close to the branch point at -1/e. In some corner cases, lambertw might currently fail to converge, or can end up on the wrong branch.


Halley’s iteration is used to invert w * exp(w), using a first-order asymptotic approximation (O(log(w)) or O(w)) as the initial estimate.

The definition, implementation and choice of branches is based on [2].



Corless et al, “On the Lambert W function”, Adv. Comp. Math. 5 (1996) 329-359.


The Lambert W function is the inverse of w exp(w):

>>> import numpy as np
>>> from scipy.special import lambertw
>>> w = lambertw(1)
>>> w
>>> w * np.exp(w)

Any branch gives a valid inverse:

>>> w = lambertw(1, k=3)
>>> w
>>> w*np.exp(w)

Applications to equation-solving

The Lambert W function may be used to solve various kinds of equations. We give two examples here.

First, the function can be used to solve implicit equations of the form


for x. We assume c is not zero. After a little algebra, the equation may be written


where z=c(ax). z may then be expressed using the Lambert W function




For example,

>>> a = 3
>>> b = 2
>>> c = -0.5

The solution to x=a+becx is:

>>> x = a - lambertw(-b*c*np.exp(a*c))/c
>>> x

Verify that it solves the equation:

>>> a + b*np.exp(c*x)

The Lambert W function may also be used find the value of the infinite power tower zzz:

>>> def tower(z, n):
...     if n == 0:
...         return z
...     return z ** tower(z, n-1)
>>> tower(0.5, 100)
>>> -lambertw(-np.log(0.5)) / np.log(0.5)