Contributing to the SciPy documentation#

We’re eager to hear about and fix doc defects. But to attack the biggest problems we end up having to defer or overlook some bug reports. Here are the best defects to go after.

Top priority goes to technical inaccuracies – a docstring missing a parameter, a faulty description of a function/parameter/method, and so on. Other “structural” defects like broken links also get priority. All these fixes are easy to confirm and put in place. You can submit a pull request (PR) with the fix, if you know how to do that; otherwise please open an issue.

Typos and misspellings fall on a lower rung; we welcome hearing about them but may not be able to fix them promptly. These too can be handled as pull requests or issues.

Obvious wording mistakes (like leaving out a “not”) fall into the typo category, but other rewordings – even for grammar – require a judgment call, which raises the bar. One can imagine cases where it is not clear that a “fix” should be made, e.g.:

  • Attempting to “fix” all the uses (or lack thereof) of the Oxford comma.

  • Cases where the correctness of common usage is evolving, e.g. “comprised of”

The easiest fixes to accept are those where the original version is clearly and unambiguously wrong; changes that require subtle editorial judgement are probably best avoided. (But note that this is not about updating documentation to fix confusing statements or otherwise deal with documentation problems reported by users.)


As a general guideline, try to accumulate small documentation changes (such as typos) instead of sending them one by one. Whenever possible, also make sure to use the correct commands to skip CI checks on documentation changes.

Some functions/objects defined in C or Fortran extension modules have their docstrings defined separately from the actual code. Make sure to do a search for the function docstring you are looking for using either grep or other similar tools.

Rendering documentation locally with Sphinx#

SciPy docstrings are rendered to HTML using Sphinx and the PyData Sphinx theme. Writing docstrings is covered in the Documentation style; this document explains how to check that docstrings render properly.

For a video walkthrough, please see Rendering SciPy Documentation with Sphinx .

To render the documentation on your own machine:

  1. Ensure that you have a working SciPy Development environment active. You need to be able to import scipy regardless of Python’s working directory; the python develop and conda develop commands from the quickstart guides make this possible.

  2. Install Sphinx, PyData Sphinx theme, Sphinx-Design and matplotlib. For example, if you’re using the Anaconda distribution of Python, enter in a terminal window:

    conda install sphinx pydata-sphinx-theme sphinx-design matplotlib --channel conda-forge

    The list of requirements is in scipy/doc_requirements.txt.

  3. In a terminal window, browse to the scipy/doc directory. Note the presence of the file Makefile.

  4. Execute git submodule update --init. Some of the documentation theme files are not distributed with the main scipy repository; this keeps them up to date using git submodules.

  5. Enter make html. If you have multiple version of Python on your path, you can choose which version to use by appending PYTHON=python3.9 to this command, where python3.9 is to be replaced with the name of the Python you use for SciPy development. This uses the Make build automation tool to execute the documentation build instructions from the Makefile. This can take a while the first time, but subsequent documentation builds are typically much faster.

  6. View the documentation in scipy/doc/build/html. You can start with index.html and browse, or you can jump straight to the file you’re interested in.


Changes to certain documents do not take effect when Sphinx documentation is rebuilt. In this case, you can build from scratch by deleting the scipy/doc/build directory, then building again.

Checking Documentation on the Cloud#

Once a PR is opened, you can check that documentation renders correctly on the cloud.

  1. Log in to GitHub.

  2. Log in CircleCI using your GitHub account.

  3. Back in GitHub, at the bottom of the PR, select “Show all Checks”.

  4. Next to “Check the rendered docs here!”, select “Details”.

Documentation Guidelines#

Use “must”, not “should”#

When specifying a required condition on the input parameters, the word “must” is preferable to “should”. For many English speakers, “must” implies a stronger constraint than “should”, e.g. “I must have oxygen to live” versus “I should exercise more”.


x : float
    `x` must be nonnegative.


x : float
    `x` should be nonnegative.

Use of the ‘versionadded’ markup#

  • For a new function, the ‘versionadded’ markup goes in the “Notes” section, not in the description at the beginning of the docstring.

  • For a new argument added to an existing function, the ‘versionadded’ markup is placed at the end of the description of the argument in the “Parameters” section.

Citing wikipedia articles in the “References” section#

It is acceptable to use wikipedia articles as references. When creating the citation for the reference, include the article title, the name “Wikipedia” (similar to how one gives a journal title), and the URL.


.. [1] "Zeta Distribution", Wikipedia,


.. [1]

DOIs in references#

The use of DOIs in references is strongly recommended. There is special Sphinx syntax for DOIs: :doi:. For example:

.. [2] D. Fishkind, S. Adali, H. Patsolic, L. Meng, D. Singh, V. Lyzinski,
       C. Priebe, "Seeded graph matching", Pattern Recognit. 87 (2019):
       203-215, :doi:`10.1016/j.patcog.2018.09.014`

(arXiv articles also have special markup available: :arxiv:.)

Bulleted lists#

This is not so much a guideline as it is a reminder of the Sphinx markup for bulleted lists. The incorrect use of indentation is common enough that it is worthwhile mentioning it here.

When creating a bulleted list:

  • Don’t end the preceding line with ::.

  • Don’t indent the bullets.

  • Include a blank line before and after the list.

Some examples:


Some text that precedes this interesting list:

* The first item in the list.
* The second item in the list.
* You get the idea.

Some text that follows the list.


Some text that precedes this interesting list:

  * The first item in the list.
  * The second item in the list.
  * You get the idea.

Some text that follows the list.


Some text that precedes this interesting list:
* The first item in the list.
* The second item in the list.
* You get the idea.
Some text that follows the list.