This is documentation for an old release of SciPy (version 0.9.0). Read this page in the documentation of the latest stable release (version 1.15.1).
This documentation is work-in-progress and unorganized.
These functions cut hierarchical clusterings into flat clusterings or find the roots of the forest formed by a cut by providing the flat cluster ids of each observation.
fcluster(Z, t[, criterion, depth, R, monocrit]) | Forms flat clusters from the hierarchical clustering defined by |
fclusterdata(X, t[, criterion, metric, ...]) | Cluster observation data using a given metric. |
leaders(Z, T) | (L, M) = leaders(Z, T): |
These are routines for agglomerative clustering.
linkage(y[, method, metric]) | Performs hierarchical/agglomerative clustering on the condensed distance matrix y. |
single(y) | Performs single/min/nearest linkage on the condensed distance matrix y. |
complete(y) | Performs complete complete/max/farthest point linkage on the condensed distance matrix y. |
average(y) | Performs average/UPGMA linkage on the condensed distance matrix |
weighted(y) | Performs weighted/WPGMA linkage on the condensed distance matrix |
centroid(y) | Performs centroid/UPGMC linkage. See linkage for more |
median(y) | Performs median/WPGMC linkage. See linkage for more |
ward(y) | Performs Ward’s linkage on a condensed or redundant distance |
These routines compute statistics on hierarchies.
cophenet(Z[, Y]) | Calculates the cophenetic distances between each observation in |
from_mlab_linkage(Z) | Converts a linkage matrix generated by MATLAB(TM) to a new |
inconsistent(Z[, d]) | Calculates inconsistency statistics on a linkage. |
maxinconsts(Z, R) | Returns the maximum inconsistency coefficient for each non-singleton cluster and its descendents. |
maxdists(Z) | Returns the maximum distance between any cluster for each non-singleton cluster. |
maxRstat(Z, R, i) | Returns the maximum statistic for each non-singleton cluster and its descendents. |
to_mlab_linkage(Z) | Converts a linkage matrix Z generated by the linkage function |
Routines for visualizing flat clusters.
dendrogram(Z[, p, truncate_mode, ...]) | Plots the hiearchical clustering defined by the linkage Z as a |
These are data structures and routines for representing hierarchies as tree objects.
ClusterNode(id[, left, right, dist, count]) | A tree node class for representing a cluster. |
leaves_list(Z) | Returns a list of leaf node ids (corresponding to observation vector index) as they appear in the tree from left to right. |
to_tree(Z[, rd]) | Converts a hierarchical clustering encoded in the matrix Z (by |
These are predicates for checking the validity of linkage and inconsistency matrices as well as for checking isomorphism of two flat cluster assignments.
is_valid_im(R[, warning, throw, name]) | Returns True if the inconsistency matrix passed is valid. It must |
is_valid_linkage(Z[, warning, throw, name]) | Checks the validity of a linkage matrix. |
is_isomorphic(T1, T2) | Determines if two different cluster assignments T1 and |
is_monotonic(Z) | Returns True if the linkage passed is monotonic. The linkage |
correspond(Z, Y) | Checks if a linkage matrix Z and condensed distance matrix |
num_obs_linkage(Z) | Returns the number of original observations of the linkage matrix passed. |
[Sta07] | “Statistics toolbox.” API Reference Documentation. The MathWorks. Accessed October 1, 2007. |
[Mti07] | “Hierarchical clustering.” API Reference Documentation. The Wolfram Research, Inc. Accessed October 1, 2007. |
[Gow69] | Gower, JC and Ross, GJS. “Minimum Spanning Trees and Single Linkage Cluster Analysis.” Applied Statistics. 18(1): pp. 54–64. 1969. |
[War63] | Ward Jr, JH. “Hierarchical grouping to optimize an objective function.” Journal of the American Statistical Association. 58(301): pp. 236–44. 1963. |
[Joh66] | Johnson, SC. “Hierarchical clustering schemes.” Psychometrika. 32(2): pp. 241–54. 1966. |
[Sne62] | Sneath, PH and Sokal, RR. “Numerical taxonomy.” Nature. 193: pp. 855–60. 1962. |
[Bat95] | Batagelj, V. “Comparing resemblance measures.” Journal of Classification. 12: pp. 73–90. 1995. |
[Sok58] | Sokal, RR and Michener, CD. “A statistical method for evaluating systematic relationships.” Scientific Bulletins. 38(22): pp. 1409–38. 1958. |
[Ede79] | Edelbrock, C. “Mixture model tests of hierarchical clustering algorithms: the problem of classifying everybody.” Multivariate Behavioral Research. 14: pp. 367–84. 1979. |
[Jai88] | Jain, A., and Dubes, R., “Algorithms for Clustering Data.” Prentice-Hall. Englewood Cliffs, NJ. 1988. |
[Fis36] | Fisher, RA “The use of multiple measurements in taxonomic problems.” Annals of Eugenics, 7(2): 179-188. 1936 |
Copyright (C) Damian Eads, 2007-2008. New BSD License.
A tree node class for representing a cluster. Leaf nodes correspond to original observations, while non-leaf nodes correspond to non-singleton clusters.
The to_tree function converts a matrix returned by the linkage function into an easy-to-use tree representation.
Seealso : |
get_count | |
get_id | |
get_left | |
get_right | |
is_leaf | |
pre_order |
The number of leaf nodes (original observations) belonging to the cluster node nd. If the target node is a leaf, 1 is returned.
Returns : |
The identifier of the target node. For ,
corresponds to original observation
. For
corresponds to non-singleton cluster formed at
Returns : |
Returns a reference to the left child tree object. If the node is a leaf, None is returned.
Returns : |
Returns a reference to the right child tree object. If the node is a leaf, None is returned.
Returns : |
Returns True iff the target node is a leaf.
Returns : |
Performs preorder traversal without recursive function calls. When a leaf node is first encountered, func is called with the leaf node as its argument, and its result is appended to the list.
For example, the statement:
ids = root.pre_order(lambda x:
returns a list of the node ids corresponding to the leaf nodes of the tree as they appear from left to right.
Parameters : |
Returns : |
Performs average/UPGMA linkage on the condensed distance matrix y. See linkage for more information on the return structure and algorithm.
Parameters : |
Returns : |
Seealso : |
Performs centroid/UPGMC linkage. See linkage for more information on the return structure and algorithm.
The following are common calling conventions:
Z = centroid(y)
Performs centroid/UPGMC linkage on the condensed distance matrix y. See linkage for more information on the return structure and algorithm.
Z = centroid(X)
Performs centroid/UPGMC linkage on the observation matrix X using Euclidean distance as the distance metric. See linkage for more information on the return structure and algorithm.
Parameters : |
Returns : |
Seealso : |
Performs complete complete/max/farthest point linkage on the condensed distance matrix y. See linkage for more information on the return structure and algorithm.
Parameters : |
Returns : |
Calculates the cophenetic distances between each observation in the hierarchical clustering defined by the linkage Z.
Suppose p and q are original observations in disjoint clusters s and t, respectively and s and t are joined by a direct parent cluster u. The cophenetic distance between observations i and j is simply the distance between clusters s and t.
Parameters : |
Returns : | (c, {d}) - c : ndarray
Checks if a linkage matrix Z and condensed distance matrix Y could possibly correspond to one another.
They must have the same number of original observations for the check to succeed.
This function is useful as a sanity check in algorithms that make extensive use of linkage and distance matrices that must correspond to the same set of original observations.
Arguments : |
Returns : |
Plots the hiearchical clustering defined by the linkage Z as a dendrogram. The dendrogram illustrates how each cluster is composed by drawing a U-shaped link between a non-singleton cluster and its children. The height of the top of the U-link is the distance between its children clusters. It is also the cophenetic distance between original observations in the two children clusters. It is expected that the distances in Z[:,2] be monotonic, otherwise crossings appear in the dendrogram.
Z : ndarray The linkage matrix encoding the hierarchical clustering to render as a dendrogram. See the linkage function for more information on the format of Z.
truncate_mode : string The dendrogram can be hard to read when the original observation matrix from which the linkage is derived is large. Truncation is used to condense the dendrogram. There are several modes:
- None/’none’: no truncation is performed (Default)
- ‘lastp’: the last p non-singleton formed in the linkage
are the only non-leaf nodes in the linkage; they correspond to to rows Z[n-p-2:end] in Z. All other non-singleton clusters are contracted into leaf nodes.
- ‘mlab’: This corresponds to MATLAB(TM) behavior. (not
implemented yet)
- ‘level’/’mtica’: no more than p levels of the
dendrogram tree are displayed. This corresponds to Mathematica(TM) behavior.
- p : int The p parameter for truncate_mode.
color_threshold : double For brevity, let
be the color_threshold. Colors all the descendent links below a cluster node
the same color if
is the first node below the cut threshold
. All links connecting nodes with distances greater than or equal to the threshold are colored blue. If
is less than or equal to zero, all nodes are colored blue. If color_threshold is None or ‘default’, corresponding with MATLAB(TM) behavior, the threshold is set to 0.7*max(Z[:,2]).
get_leaves : bool Includes a list R['leaves']=H in the result dictionary. For each
, H[i] == j, cluster node
appears in the
th position in the left-to-right traversal of the leaves, where
orientation : string The direction to plot the dendrogram, which can be any of the following strings
- ‘top’: plots the root at the top, and plot descendent
links going downwards. (default).
- ‘bottom’: plots the root at the bottom, and plot descendent
links going upwards.
- ‘left’: plots the root at the left, and plot descendent
links going right.
- ‘right’: plots the root at the right, and plot descendent
links going left.
labels : ndarray By default labels is None so the index of the original observation is used to label the leaf nodes.
Otherwise, this is an
-sized list (or tuple). The labels[i] value is the text to put under the
th leaf node only if it corresponds to an original observation and not a non-singleton cluster.
count_sort : string/bool For each node n, the order (visually, from left-to-right) n’s two descendent links are plotted is determined by this parameter, which can be any of the following values:
- False: nothing is done.
- ‘ascending’/True: the child with the minimum number of
original objects in its cluster is plotted first.
- ‘descendent’: the child with the maximum number of
original objects in its cluster is plotted first.
Note distance_sort and count_sort cannot both be True.
distance_sort : string/bool For each node n, the order (visually, from left-to-right) n’s two descendent links are plotted is determined by this parameter, which can be any of the following values:
- False: nothing is done.
- ‘ascending’/True: the child with the minimum distance
between its direct descendents is plotted first.
- ‘descending’: the child with the maximum distance
between its direct descendents is plotted first.
Note distance_sort and count_sort cannot both be True.
show_leaf_counts : bool
When True, leaf nodes representing
original observation are labeled with the number of observations they contain in parentheses.
no_plot : bool When True, the final rendering is not performed. This is useful if only the data structures computed for the rendering are needed or if matplotlib is not available.
no_labels : bool When True, no labels appear next to the leaf nodes in the rendering of the dendrogram.
leaf_label_rotation : double
Specifies the angle (in degrees) to rotate the leaf labels. When unspecified, the rotation based on the number of nodes in the dendrogram. (Default=0)
leaf_font_size : int Specifies the font size (in points) of the leaf labels. When unspecified, the size based on the number of nodes in the dendrogram.
leaf_label_func : lambda or function
When leaf_label_func is a callable function, for each leaf with cluster index
. The function is expected to return a string with the label for the leaf.
correspond to original observations while indices
correspond to non-singleton clusters.
For example, to label singletons with their node id and non-singletons with their id, count, and inconsistency coefficient, simply do:
# First define the leaf label function. def llf(id): if id < n: return str(id) else: return '[%d %d %1.2f]' % (id, count, R[n-id,3]) # The text for the leaf nodes is going to be big so force # a rotation of 90 degrees. dendrogram(Z, leaf_label_func=llf, leaf_rotation=90)show_contracted : bool When True the heights of non-singleton nodes contracted into a leaf node are plotted as crosses along the link connecting that leaf node. This really is only useful when truncation is used (see truncate_mode parameter).
link_color_func : lambda/function When a callable function, link_color_function is called with each non-singleton id corresponding to each U-shaped link it will paint. The function is expected to return the color to paint the link, encoded as a matplotlib color string code.
For example:
dendrogram(Z, link_color_func=lambda k: colors[k])colors the direct links below each untruncated non-singleton node k using colors[k].
Returns: |
Forms flat clusters from the hierarchical clustering defined by the linkage matrix Z.
Parameters : | Z : ndarray
t : float
criterion : str, optional
depth : int, optional
R : ndarray, optional
monocrit : ndarray, optional
Returns : | fcluster : ndarray
Cluster observation data using a given metric.
Clusters the original observations in the n-by-m data matrix X (n observations in m dimensions), using the euclidean distance metric to calculate distances between original observations, performs hierarchical clustering using the single linkage algorithm, and forms flat clusters using the inconsistency method with t as the cut-off threshold.
A one-dimensional array T of length n is returned. T[i] is the index of the flat cluster to which the original observation i belongs.
Parameters : | X : ndarray
t : float
criterion : str, optional
method : str, optional
metric : str, optional
t : double, optional
depth : int, optional
R : ndarray, optional
Returns : | T : ndarray
This function is similar to the MATLAB function clusterdata.
Converts a linkage matrix generated by MATLAB(TM) to a new linkage matrix compatible with this module. The conversion does two things:
- the indices are converted from 1..N to 0..(N-1) form, and
- a fourth column Z[:,3] is added where Z[i,3] is represents the number of original observations (leaves) in the non-singleton cluster i.
This function is useful when loading in linkages from legacy data files generated by MATLAB.
Arguments : |
Returns : |
Calculates inconsistency statistics on a linkage.
Note: This function behaves similarly to the MATLAB(TM) inconsistent function.
Parameters : |
Returns : |
Determines if two different cluster assignments T1 and T2 are equivalent.
Arguments : |
Returns True if the linkage passed is monotonic. The linkage
is monotonic if for every cluster and
joined, the distance between them is no less than the distance
between any previously joined clusters.
Arguments : |
Returns : |
Returns True if the inconsistency matrix passed is valid. It must
be a by 4 numpy array of doubles. The standard
deviations R[:,1] must be nonnegative. The link counts
R[:,2] must be positive and no greater than
Arguments : |
Returns : |
Checks the validity of a linkage matrix. A linkage matrix is valid
if it is a two dimensional nd-array (type double) with
rows and 4 columns. The first two columns must contain indices
between 0 and
. For a given row i,
(i.e. a cluster cannot join another cluster unless the cluster
being joined has been generated.)
Arguments : |
Returns : |
(L, M) = leaders(Z, T):
Returns the root nodes in a hierarchical clustering corresponding to a cut defined by a flat cluster assignment vector T. See the fcluster function for more information on the format of T.
For each flat cluster of the
flat clusters
represented in the n-sized flat cluster assignment vector T,
this function finds the lowest cluster node
in the linkage
tree Z such that:
- leaf descendents belong only to flat cluster j (i.e. T[p]==j for all
is the set of leaf ids of leaf nodes descendent with cluster node
- there does not exist a leaf that is not descendent with
that also belongs to cluster
(i.e. T[q]!=j for all
not in
). If this condition is violated, T is not a valid cluster assignment vector, and an exception will be thrown.
Arguments : |
Returns : | (L, M)
Returns a list of leaf node ids (corresponding to observation vector index) as they appear in the tree from left to right. Z is a linkage matrix.
Arguments : |
Returns : |
condensed distance matrix y. y must be a sized
vector where n is the number of original observations paired
in the distance matrix. The behavior of this function is very
similar to the MATLAB(TM) linkage function.
A 4 by matrix Z is returned. At the
-th iteration, clusters with indices Z[i, 0] and
Z[i, 1] are combined to form cluster
. A
cluster with an index less than
corresponds to one of
original observations. The distance between
clusters Z[i, 0] and Z[i, 1] is given by Z[i, 2]. The
fourth value Z[i, 3] represents the number of original
observations in the newly formed cluster.
The following linkage methods are used to compute the distance
between two clusters
. The algorithm begins with a forest of clusters that
have yet to be used in the hierarchy being formed. When two
from this forest are combined
into a single cluster
removed from the forest, and
is added to the
forest. When only one cluster remains in the forest, the algorithm
stops, and this cluster becomes the root.
A distance matrix is maintained at each iteration. The d[i,j]
entry corresponds to the distance between cluster and
in the original forest.
At each iteration, the algorithm must update the distance matrix to reflect the distance of the newly formed cluster u with the remaining clusters in the forest.
Suppose there are original observations
in cluster
original objects
. Recall
combined to form cluster
. Let
be any
remaining cluster in the forest that is not
The following are methods for calculating the distance between the
newly formed cluster and each
method=’single’ assigns
for all points
in cluster
in cluster
. This is also known as the Nearest Point Algorithm.
method=’complete’ assigns
for all points
in cluster u and
in cluster
. This is also known by the Farthest Point Algorithm or Voor Hees Algorithm.
method=’average’ assigns
for all points
are the cardinalities of clusters
, respectively. This is also called the UPGMA algorithm. This is called UPGMA.
method=’weighted’ assigns
where cluster u was formed with cluster s and t and v is a remaining cluster in the forest. (also called WPGMA)
method=’centroid’ assigns
are the centroids of clusters
, respectively. When two clusters
are combined into a new cluster
, the new centroid is computed over all the original objects in clusters
. The distance then becomes the Euclidean distance between the centroid of
and the centroid of a remaining cluster
in the forest. This is also known as the UPGMC algorithm.
method=’median’ assigns math:d(s,t) like the centroid method. When two clusters
are combined into a new cluster
, the average of centroids s and t give the new centroid
. This is also known as the WPGMC algorithm.
method=’ward’ uses the Ward variance minimization algorithm. The new entry
is computed as follows,
is the newly joined cluster consisting of clusters
is an unused cluster in the forest,
, and
is the cardinality of its argument. This is also known as the incremental algorithm.
Warning: When the minimum distance pair in the forest is chosen, there may be two or more pairs with the same minimum distance. This implementation may chose a different minimum than the MATLAB(TM) version.
Parameters: |
Returns : |
Returns the maximum statistic for each non-singleton cluster and its descendents.
Arguments : |
Returns : |
Returns the maximum distance between any cluster for each non-singleton cluster.
Arguments : |
Returns : |
Returns the maximum inconsistency coefficient for each non-singleton cluster and its descendents.
Arguments : |
Returns : |
Performs median/WPGMC linkage. See linkage for more information on the return structure and algorithm.
The following are common calling conventions:
Z = median(y)
Performs median/WPGMC linkage on the condensed distance matrix y. See linkage for more information on the return structure and algorithm.
Z = median(X)
Performs median/WPGMC linkage on the observation matrix X using Euclidean distance as the distance metric. See linkage for more information on the return structure and algorithm.
Parameters : |
Returns : |
Seealso : |
Returns the number of original observations of the linkage matrix passed.
Arguments : |
Returns : |
Changes the list of matplotlib color codes to use when coloring links with the dendrogram color_threshold feature.
Arguments : |
the color codes is the order in which the colors are cycled through when color thresholding in the dendrogram. |
Performs single/min/nearest linkage on the condensed distance matrix y. See linkage for more information on the return structure and algorithm.
Parameters : |
Returns : |
Seealso : |
Converts a linkage matrix Z generated by the linkage function of this module to a MATLAB(TM) compatible one. The return linkage matrix has the last column removed and the cluster indices are converted to 1..N indexing.
Arguments : |
Returns : |
Converts a hierarchical clustering encoded in the matrix Z (by linkage) into an easy-to-use tree object. The reference r to the root ClusterNode object is returned.
Each ClusterNode object has a left, right, dist, id, and count attribute. The left and right attributes point to ClusterNode objects that were combined to generate the cluster. If both are None then the ClusterNode object is a leaf node, its count must be 1, and its distance is meaningless but set to 0.
Note: This function is provided for the convenience of the library user. ClusterNodes are not used as input to any of the functions in this library.
Parameters : |
Returns : |
Performs Ward’s linkage on a condensed or redundant distance matrix. See linkage for more information on the return structure and algorithm.
The following are common calling conventions:
Parameters : |
Returns : |
Seealso : |
Performs weighted/WPGMA linkage on the condensed distance matrix y. See linkage for more information on the return structure and algorithm.
Parameters : |
Returns : |
Seealso : |