SciPy 1.2.2 is a bug-fix release with no new features compared to 1.2.1.
Importantly, the SciPy 1.2.2 wheels are built with OpenBLAS to
alleviate issues with SkylakeX AVX512 kernels.
CJ Carey
Tyler Dawson +
Ralf Gommers
Kai Striega
Andrew Nelson
Tyler Reddy
Kevin Sheppard +
A total of 7 people contributed to this release.
People with a “+” by their names contributed a patch for the first time.
This list of names is automatically generated, and may not be fully complete.
#9611: Overflow error with new way of p-value calculation in kendall tau correlation for perfectly monotonic vectors
#9964: optimize.newton : overwrites x0 argument when it is a numpy array
#9784: TST: Minimum NumPy version is not being CI tested
#10132: Docs: Description of nnz attribute of sparse.csc_matrix misleading
#10056: BUG: Ensure factorial is not too large in kendaltau
#9991: BUG: Avoid inplace modification of input array in newton
#9788: TST, BUG: f2py-related issues with NumPy < 1.14.0
#9749: BUG: MapWrapper.__exit__ should terminate
#10141: Update description for nnz on