

scipy.stats.mstats.trimtail(data, proportiontocut=0.2, tail='left', inclusive=(True, True), axis=None)[source]#

Trims the data by masking values from one tail.


Data to trim.

proportiontocutfloat, optional

Percentage of trimming. If n is the number of unmasked values before trimming, the number of values after trimming is (1 - proportiontocut) * n. Default is 0.2.

tail{‘left’,’right’}, optional

If ‘left’ the proportiontocut lowest values will be masked. If ‘right’ the proportiontocut highest values will be masked. Default is ‘left’.

inclusive{(bool, bool) tuple}, optional

Tuple indicating whether the number of data being masked on each side should be rounded (True) or truncated (False). Default is (True, True).

axisint, optional

Axis along which to perform the trimming. If None, the input array is first flattened. Default is None.


Returned array of same shape as data with masked tail values.