
scipy.stats.skewtest(a, axis=0, nan_policy='propagate', alternative='two-sided')[source]#

Test whether the skew is different from the normal distribution.

This function tests the null hypothesis that the skewness of the population that the sample was drawn from is the same as that of a corresponding normal distribution.


The data to be tested.

axisint or None, optional

Axis along which statistics are calculated. Default is 0. If None, compute over the whole array a.

nan_policy{‘propagate’, ‘raise’, ‘omit’}, optional

Defines how to handle when input contains nan. The following options are available (default is ‘propagate’):

  • ‘propagate’: returns nan

  • ‘raise’: throws an error

  • ‘omit’: performs the calculations ignoring nan values

alternative{‘two-sided’, ‘less’, ‘greater’}, optional

Defines the alternative hypothesis. Default is ‘two-sided’. The following options are available:

  • ‘two-sided’: the skewness of the distribution underlying the sample is different from that of the normal distribution (i.e. 0)

  • ‘less’: the skewness of the distribution underlying the sample is less than that of the normal distribution

  • ‘greater’: the skewness of the distribution underlying the sample is greater than that of the normal distribution

New in version 1.7.0.


The computed z-score for this test.


The p-value for the hypothesis test.


The sample size must be at least 8.



R. B. D’Agostino, A. J. Belanger and R. B. D’Agostino Jr., “A suggestion for using powerful and informative tests of normality”, American Statistician 44, pp. 316-321, 1990.


>>> from scipy.stats import skewtest
>>> skewtest([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8])
SkewtestResult(statistic=1.0108048609177787, pvalue=0.3121098361421897)
>>> skewtest([2, 8, 0, 4, 1, 9, 9, 0])
SkewtestResult(statistic=0.44626385374196975, pvalue=0.6554066631275459)
>>> skewtest([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8000])
SkewtestResult(statistic=3.571773510360407, pvalue=0.0003545719905823133)
>>> skewtest([100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 101])
SkewtestResult(statistic=3.5717766638478072, pvalue=0.000354567720281634)
>>> skewtest([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8], alternative='less')
SkewtestResult(statistic=1.0108048609177787, pvalue=0.8439450819289052)
>>> skewtest([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8], alternative='greater')
SkewtestResult(statistic=1.0108048609177787, pvalue=0.15605491807109484)