

scipy.linalg.lapack.sgelsy(a, b, jptv, cond, lwork[, overwrite_a, overwrite_b]) = <fortran object>

Wrapper for sgelsy.

a : input rank-2 array(‘f’) with bounds (m,n)
b : input rank-2 array(‘f’) with bounds (maxmn,nrhs)
jptv : input rank-1 array(‘i’) with bounds (n)
cond : input float
lwork : input int
v : rank-2 array(‘f’) with bounds (m,n) and a storage
x : rank-2 array(‘f’) with bounds (maxmn,nrhs) and b storage
j : rank-1 array(‘i’) with bounds (n) and jptv storage
rank : int
info : int
Other Parameters:
overwrite_a : input int, optional

Default: 0

overwrite_b : input int, optional

Default: 0