
This is documentation for an old release of SciPy (version 1.0.0). Read this page in the documentation of the latest stable release (version 1.15.1).

Making a SciPy release

At the highest level, this is what the release manager does to release a new Scipy version:

  1. Propose a release schedule on the scipy-dev mailing list.
  2. Create the maintenance branch for the release.
  3. Tag the release.
  4. Build all release artifacts (sources, installers, docs).
  5. Upload the release artifacts.
  6. Announce the release.
  7. Port relevant changes to release notes and build scripts to master.

In this guide we attempt to describe in detail how to perform each of the above steps. In addition to those steps, which have to be performed by the release manager, here are descriptions of release-related activities and conventions of interest:

Proposing a release schedule

A typical release cycle looks like:

  • Create the maintenance branch
  • Release a beta version
  • Release a “release candidate” (RC)
  • If needed, release one or more new RCs
  • Release the final version once there are no issues with the last release candidate

There’s usually at least one week between each of the above steps. Experience shows that a cycle takes between 4 and 8 weeks for a new minor version. Bug-fix versions don’t need a beta or RC, and can be done much quicker.

Ideally the final release is identical to the last RC, however there may be minor difference - it’s up to the release manager to judge the risk of that. Typically, if compiled code or complex pure Python code changes then a new RC is needed, while a simple bug-fix that’s backported from master doesn’t require a new RC.

To propose a schedule, send a list with estimated dates for branching and beta/rc/final releases to scipy-dev. In the same email, ask everyone to check if there are important issues/PRs that need to be included and aren’t tagged with the Milestone for the release or the “backport-candidate” label.

Creating the maintenance branch

Before branching, ensure that the release notes are updated as far as possible. Include the output of tools/ and tools/ in the release notes.

Maintenance branches are named maintenance/<major>.<minor>.x (e.g. 0.19.x). To create one, simply push a branch with the correct name to the scipy repo. Immediately after, push a commit where you increment the version number on the master branch and add release notes for that new version. Send an email to scipy-dev to let people know that you’ve done this.

Tagging a release

First ensure that you have set up GPG correctly. See for a discussion of signing release tags, and for instructions on creating a GPG key if you do not have one.

To make your key more readily identifiable as you, consider sending your key to public keyservers, with a command such as:

gpg --send-keys <yourkeyid>

Check that all relevant commits are in the branch. In particular, check issues and PRs under the Milestone for the release (, PRs labeled “backport-candidate”, and that the release notes are up-to-date and included in the html docs.

Then edit to get the correct version number (set ISRELEASED = True) and commit it with a message like REL: set version to <version-number>. Don’t push this commit to the Scipy repo yet.

Finally tag the release locally with git tag -s <v0.x.y> (the -s ensures the tag is signed). Continue with building release artifacts (next section). Only push the release commit and tag to the scipy repo once you have built the docs and Windows installers successfully. After that push, also push a second commit which increment the version number and sets ISRELEASED to False again.

Building release artifacts

Here is a complete list of artifacts created for a release:

  • source archives (.tar.gz, .zip and .tar.xz for GitHub Releases, only .tar.gz is uploaded to PyPI)
  • Binary wheels for Windows, Linx and OS X
  • Documentation (html, pdf)
  • A README file
  • A Changelog file

All of these except the wheels are built by running paver release in the repo root. Do this after you’ve created the signed tag. If this completes without issues, push the release tag to the scipy repo. This is needed because the scipy-wheels build scripts automatically build the last tag.

To build wheels, push a commit to the master branch of . This triggers builds for all needed Python versions on TravisCI. Check in the .travis.yml config file what version of Python and Numpy are used for the builds (it needs to be the lowest supported Numpy version for each Python version). See the README file in the scipy-wheels repo for more details.

The TravisCI builds run the tests from the built wheels and if they pass upload the wheels to From there you can download them for uploading to PyPI. This can be done in an automated fashion with terryfy (note the -n switch which makes it only download the wheels and skip the upload to PyPI step - we want to be able to check the wheels and put their checksums into README first):

$ python wheel-uploader -n -v -c -w ~/PATH_TO_STORE_WHEELS -t manylinux1 scipy 0.19.0
$ python wheel-uploader -n -v -c -w ~/PATH_TO_STORE_WHEELS -t macosx scipy 0.19.0

Uploading release artifacts

For a release there are currently five places on the web to upload things to:

  • PyPI (tarballs, wheels)
  • Github releases (tarballs, release notes, Changelog)
  • (an announcement of the release)
  • (html/pdf docs)


twine upload -s <tarballs or wheels to upload>

Github Releases:

Use GUI on to create release and upload all release artifacts.

Sources for the site are in Update the News section in www/index.rst and then do make upload USERNAME=yourusername.

First build the scipy docs, by running make dist in scipy/doc/. Verify that they look OK, then upload them to the doc server with make upload USERNAME=rgommers RELEASE=0.19.0. Note that SSH access to the doc server is needed; ask @pv (server admin) or @rgommers (can upload) if you don’t have that.

The sources for the website itself are maintained in Add the new Scipy version in the table of releases in index.rst. Push that commit, then do make upload USERNAME=yourusername.

Wrapping up

Send an email announcing the release to the following mailing lists:

  • scipy-dev
  • scipy-user
  • numpy-discussion
  • python-announce (not for beta/rc releases)

For beta and rc versions, ask people in the email to test (run the scipy tests and test against their own code) and report issues on Github or scipy-dev.

After the final release is done, port relevant changes to release notes, build scripts, author name mapping in tools/ and any other changes that were only made on the maintenance branch to master.