A maximum-entropy (exponential-form) model on a large sample space.
The model expectations are not computed exactly (by summing or integrating over a sample space) but approximately (by Monte Carlo estimation). Approximation is necessary when the sample space is too large to sum or integrate over in practice, like a continuous sample space in more than about 4 dimensions or a large discrete space like all possible sentences in a natural language.
Approximating the expectations by sampling requires an instrumental distribution that should be close to the model for fast convergence. The tails should be fatter than the model.
beginlogging | |
clearcache | |
crossentropy | |
dual | |
endlogging | |
entropydual | |
estimate | |
expectations | |
fit | |
grad | |
log | |
lognormconst | |
logparams | |
logpdf | |
normconst | |
pdf_function | |
resample | |
reset | |
setcallback | |
setparams | |
setsampleFgen | |
setsmooth | |
settestsamples | |
stochapprox | |
test([label, verbose, extra_argv, doctests, ...]) | Run tests for module using nose. |