Read an arff file.

The data is returned as a record array, which can be accessed much like a dictionary of numpy arrays. For example, if one of the attributes is called ‘pressure’, then its first 10 data points can be accessed from the data record array like so: data['pressure'][0:10]

Parameters :

filename : str

the name of the file

Returns :

data : record array

The data of the arff file, accessible by attribute names.

meta : MetaData

Contains information about the arff file such as name and type of attributes, the relation (name of the dataset), etc...

Raises :

`ParseArffError` :

This is raised if the given file is not ARFF-formatted.

NotImplementedError :

The ARFF file has an attribute which is not supported yet.


This function should be able to read most arff files. Not implemented functionality include:

  • date type attributes
  • string type attributes

It can read files with numeric and nominal attributes. It cannot read files with sparse data ({} in the file). However, this function can read files with missing data (? in the file), representing the data points as NaNs.

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