This is documentation for an old release of SciPy (version 0.19.0). Read this page in the documentation of the latest stable release (version 1.15.1).
Input and output (¶
SciPy has many modules, classes, and functions available to read data from and write data to a variety of file formats.
See also (in Numpy)
MATLAB® files¶
loadmat(file_name[, mdict, appendmat]) | Load MATLAB file. |
savemat(file_name, mdict[, appendmat, ...]) | Save a dictionary of names and arrays into a MATLAB-style .mat file. |
whosmat(file_name[, appendmat]) | List variables inside a MATLAB file. |
Matrix Market files¶
mminfo(source) | Return size and storage parameters from Matrix Market file-like ‘source’. |
mmread(source) | Reads the contents of a Matrix Market file-like ‘source’ into a matrix. |
mmwrite(target, a[, comment, field, ...]) | Writes the sparse or dense array a to Matrix Market file-like target. |
Unformatted Fortran files¶
FortranFile(filename[, mode, header_dtype]) | A file object for unformatted sequential files from Fortran code. |
netcdf_file(filename[, mode, mmap, version, ...]) | A file object for NetCDF data. |
netcdf_variable(data, typecode, size, shape, ...) | A data object for the netcdf module. |
Harwell-Boeing files¶
hb_read(file) | Read HB-format file. |
hb_write(file, m[, hb_info]) | Write HB-format file. |
Wav sound files (¶
read(filename[, mmap]) | Open a WAV file |
write(filename, rate, data) | Write a numpy array as a WAV file. |
WavFileWarning |
Arff files (¶
loadarff(f) | Read an arff file. |
MetaData(rel, attr) | Small container to keep useful informations on a ARFF dataset. |
ArffError | |
ParseArffError |