
This is documentation for an old release of SciPy (version 0.16.0). Read this page in the documentation of the latest stable release (version 1.15.1).


scipy.signal.get_window(window, Nx, fftbins=True)[source]

Return a window.


window : string, float, or tuple

The type of window to create. See below for more details.

Nx : int

The number of samples in the window.

fftbins : bool, optional

If True, create a “periodic” window ready to use with ifftshift and be multiplied by the result of an fft (SEE ALSO fftfreq).


get_window : ndarray

Returns a window of length Nx and type window


Window types:

boxcar, triang, blackman, hamming, hann, bartlett, flattop, parzen, bohman, blackmanharris, nuttall, barthann, kaiser (needs beta), gaussian (needs std), general_gaussian (needs power, width), slepian (needs width), chebwin (needs attenuation) exponential (needs decay scale), tukey (needs taper fraction)

If the window requires no parameters, then window can be a string.

If the window requires parameters, then window must be a tuple with the first argument the string name of the window, and the next arguments the needed parameters.

If window is a floating point number, it is interpreted as the beta parameter of the kaiser window.

Each of the window types listed above is also the name of a function that can be called directly to create a window of that type.


>>> from scipy import signal
>>> signal.get_window('triang', 7)
array([ 0.25,  0.5 ,  0.75,  1.  ,  0.75,  0.5 ,  0.25])
>>> signal.get_window(('kaiser', 4.0), 9)
array([ 0.08848053,  0.32578323,  0.63343178,  0.89640418,  1.        ,
        0.89640418,  0.63343178,  0.32578323,  0.08848053])
>>> signal.get_window(4.0, 9)
array([ 0.08848053,  0.32578323,  0.63343178,  0.89640418,  1.        ,
        0.89640418,  0.63343178,  0.32578323,  0.08848053])