
This is documentation for an old release of SciPy (version 0.15.0). Read this page in the documentation of the latest stable release (version 1.15.1).

Low-level BLAS functions

This module contains low-level functions from the BLAS library.

New in version 0.12.0.


These functions do little to no error checking. It is possible to cause crashes by mis-using them, so prefer using the higher-level routines in scipy.linalg.

Finding functions

get_blas_funcs(names[, arrays, dtype]) Return available BLAS function objects from names.
find_best_blas_type([arrays, dtype]) Find best-matching BLAS/LAPACK type.

BLAS Level 1 functions

caxpy(x,y,[n,a,offx,incx,offy,incy]) Wrapper for caxpy.
ccopy(x,y,[n,offx,incx,offy,incy]) Wrapper for ccopy.
cdotc(x,y,[n,offx,incx,offy,incy]) Wrapper for cdotc.
cdotu(x,y,[n,offx,incx,offy,incy]) Wrapper for cdotu.
crotg(a,b) Wrapper for crotg.
cscal(a,x,[n,offx,incx]) Wrapper for cscal.
csrot(...) Wrapper for csrot.
csscal(a,x,[n,offx,incx,overwrite_x]) Wrapper for csscal.
cswap(x,y,[n,offx,incx,offy,incy]) Wrapper for cswap.
dasum(x,[n,offx,incx]) Wrapper for dasum.
daxpy(x,y,[n,a,offx,incx,offy,incy]) Wrapper for daxpy.
dcopy(x,y,[n,offx,incx,offy,incy]) Wrapper for dcopy.
ddot(x,y,[n,offx,incx,offy,incy]) Wrapper for ddot.
dnrm2(x,[n,offx,incx]) Wrapper for dnrm2.
drot(...) Wrapper for drot.
drotg(a,b) Wrapper for drotg.
drotm(...) Wrapper for drotm.
drotmg(d1,d2,x1,y1) Wrapper for drotmg.
dscal(a,x,[n,offx,incx]) Wrapper for dscal.
dswap(x,y,[n,offx,incx,offy,incy]) Wrapper for dswap.
dzasum(x,[n,offx,incx]) Wrapper for dzasum.
dznrm2(x,[n,offx,incx]) Wrapper for dznrm2.
icamax(x,[n,offx,incx]) Wrapper for icamax.
idamax(x,[n,offx,incx]) Wrapper for idamax.
isamax(x,[n,offx,incx]) Wrapper for isamax.
izamax(x,[n,offx,incx]) Wrapper for izamax.
sasum(x,[n,offx,incx]) Wrapper for sasum.
saxpy(x,y,[n,a,offx,incx,offy,incy]) Wrapper for saxpy.
scasum(x,[n,offx,incx]) Wrapper for scasum.
scnrm2(x,[n,offx,incx]) Wrapper for scnrm2.
scopy(x,y,[n,offx,incx,offy,incy]) Wrapper for scopy.
sdot(x,y,[n,offx,incx,offy,incy]) Wrapper for sdot.
snrm2(x,[n,offx,incx]) Wrapper for snrm2.
srot(...) Wrapper for srot.
srotg(a,b) Wrapper for srotg.
srotm(...) Wrapper for srotm.
srotmg(d1,d2,x1,y1) Wrapper for srotmg.
sscal(a,x,[n,offx,incx]) Wrapper for sscal.
sswap(x,y,[n,offx,incx,offy,incy]) Wrapper for sswap.
zaxpy(x,y,[n,a,offx,incx,offy,incy]) Wrapper for zaxpy.
zcopy(x,y,[n,offx,incx,offy,incy]) Wrapper for zcopy.
zdotc(x,y,[n,offx,incx,offy,incy]) Wrapper for zdotc.
zdotu(x,y,[n,offx,incx,offy,incy]) Wrapper for zdotu.
zdrot(...) Wrapper for zdrot.
zdscal(a,x,[n,offx,incx,overwrite_x]) Wrapper for zdscal.
zrotg(a,b) Wrapper for zrotg.
zscal(a,x,[n,offx,incx]) Wrapper for zscal.
zswap(x,y,[n,offx,incx,offy,incy]) Wrapper for zswap.

BLAS Level 2 functions

cgemv(...) Wrapper for cgemv.
cgerc(...) Wrapper for cgerc.
cgeru(...) Wrapper for cgeru.
chemv(...) Wrapper for chemv.
ctrmv(...) Wrapper for ctrmv.
csyr(alpha,x,[lower,incx,offx,n,a,overwrite_a]) Wrapper for csyr.
cher(alpha,x,[lower,incx,offx,n,a,overwrite_a]) Wrapper for cher.
cher2(...) Wrapper for cher2.
dgemv(...) Wrapper for dgemv.
dger(...) Wrapper for dger.
dsymv(...) Wrapper for dsymv.
dtrmv(...) Wrapper for dtrmv.
dsyr(alpha,x,[lower,incx,offx,n,a,overwrite_a]) Wrapper for dsyr.
dsyr2(...) Wrapper for dsyr2.
sgemv(...) Wrapper for sgemv.
sger(...) Wrapper for sger.
ssymv(...) Wrapper for ssymv.
strmv(...) Wrapper for strmv.
ssyr(alpha,x,[lower,incx,offx,n,a,overwrite_a]) Wrapper for ssyr.
ssyr2(...) Wrapper for ssyr2.
zgemv(...) Wrapper for zgemv.
zgerc(...) Wrapper for zgerc.
zgeru(...) Wrapper for zgeru.
zhemv(...) Wrapper for zhemv.
ztrmv(...) Wrapper for ztrmv.
zsyr(alpha,x,[lower,incx,offx,n,a,overwrite_a]) Wrapper for zsyr.
zher(alpha,x,[lower,incx,offx,n,a,overwrite_a]) Wrapper for zher.
zher2(...) Wrapper for zher2.

BLAS Level 3 functions

cgemm(...) Wrapper for cgemm.
chemm(alpha,a,b,[beta,c,side,lower,overwrite_c]) Wrapper for chemm.
cherk(alpha,a,[beta,c,trans,lower,overwrite_c]) Wrapper for cherk.
cher2k(...) Wrapper for cher2k.
csymm(alpha,a,b,[beta,c,side,lower,overwrite_c]) Wrapper for csymm.
csyrk(alpha,a,[beta,c,trans,lower,overwrite_c]) Wrapper for csyrk.
csyr2k(...) Wrapper for csyr2k.
dgemm(...) Wrapper for dgemm.
dsymm(alpha,a,b,[beta,c,side,lower,overwrite_c]) Wrapper for dsymm.
dsyrk(alpha,a,[beta,c,trans,lower,overwrite_c]) Wrapper for dsyrk.
dsyr2k(...) Wrapper for dsyr2k.
sgemm(...) Wrapper for sgemm.
ssymm(alpha,a,b,[beta,c,side,lower,overwrite_c]) Wrapper for ssymm.
ssyrk(alpha,a,[beta,c,trans,lower,overwrite_c]) Wrapper for ssyrk.
ssyr2k(...) Wrapper for ssyr2k.
zgemm(...) Wrapper for zgemm.
zhemm(alpha,a,b,[beta,c,side,lower,overwrite_c]) Wrapper for zhemm.
zherk(alpha,a,[beta,c,trans,lower,overwrite_c]) Wrapper for zherk.
zher2k(...) Wrapper for zher2k.
zsymm(alpha,a,b,[beta,c,side,lower,overwrite_c]) Wrapper for zsymm.
zsyrk(alpha,a,[beta,c,trans,lower,overwrite_c]) Wrapper for zsyrk.
zsyr2k(...) Wrapper for zsyr2k.