

scipy.stats.trimboth(a, proportiontocut, axis=0)[source]

Slices off a proportion of items from both ends of an array.

Slices off the passed proportion of items from both ends of the passed array (i.e., with proportiontocut = 0.1, slices leftmost 10% and rightmost 10% of scores). You must pre-sort the array if you want ‘proper’ trimming. Slices off less if proportion results in a non-integer slice index (i.e., conservatively slices off proportiontocut).

Parameters :

a : array_like

Data to trim.

proportiontocut : float

Proportion (in range 0-1) of total data set to trim of each end.

axis : int or None, optional

Axis along which the observations are trimmed. The default is to trim along axis=0. If axis is None then the array will be flattened before trimming.

Returns :

out : ndarray

Trimmed version of array a.

See also



>>> from scipy import stats
>>> a = np.arange(20)
>>> b = stats.trimboth(a, 0.1)
>>> b.shape

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