

Performs centroid/UPGMC linkage. See linkage for more information on the return structure and algorithm.

The following are common calling conventions:

  1. Z = centroid(y)

    Performs centroid/UPGMC linkage on the condensed distance matrix y. See linkage for more information on the return structure and algorithm.

  2. Z = centroid(X)

    Performs centroid/UPGMC linkage on the observation matrix X using Euclidean distance as the distance metric. See linkage for more information on the return structure and algorithm.

Parameters :

Q : ndarray

A condensed or redundant distance matrix. A condensed distance matrix is a flat array containing the upper triangular of the distance matrix. This is the form that pdist returns. Alternatively, a collection of m observation vectors in n dimensions may be passed as a m by n array.

Returns :

Z : ndarray

A linkage matrix containing the hierarchical clustering. See the linkage function documentation for more information on its structure.

See also

for advanced creation of hierarchical clusterings.

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