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scipy.signal.correlate2d(in1, in2, mode='full', boundary='fill', fillvalue=0)
Cross-correlate two 2-dimensional arrays.
Cross correlate in1 and in2 with output size determined by mode and
boundary conditions determined by boundary and fillvalue.
Parameters : | in1, in2 : ndarray
Two-dimensional input arrays to be convolved.
mode: str, optional :
A string indicating the size of the output:
- valid : the output consists only of those elements that do not
rely on the zero-padding.
- same : the output is the same size as in1 centered
with respect to the ‘full’ output.
- full : the output is the full discrete linear cross-correlation
of the inputs. (Default)
boundary : str, optional
A flag indicating how to handle boundaries:
- ‘fill’ : pad input arrays with fillvalue. (default)
- ‘wrap’ : circular boundary conditions.
- ‘symm’ : symmetrical boundary conditions.
fillvalue : scalar, optional
Value to fill pad input arrays with. Default is 0.
Returns : | out : ndarray
A 2-dimensional array containing a subset of the discrete linear
cross-correlation of in1 with in2.