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scipy.optimize.anneal(func, x0, args=(), schedule='fast', full_output=0, T0=None, Tf=1e-12, maxeval=None, maxaccept=None, maxiter=400, boltzmann=1.0, learn_rate=0.5, feps=1e-06, quench=1.0, m=1.0, n=1.0, lower=-100, upper=100, dwell=50)

Minimize a function using simulated annealing.

Schedule is a schedule class implementing the annealing schedule. Available ones are ‘fast’, ‘cauchy’, ‘boltzmann’

Parameters :

func : callable f(x, *args)

Function to be optimized.

x0 : ndarray

Initial guess.

args : tuple

Extra parameters to func.

schedule : base_schedule

Annealing schedule to use (a class).

full_output : bool

Whether to return optional outputs.

T0 : float

Initial Temperature (estimated as 1.2 times the largest cost-function deviation over random points in the range).

Tf : float

Final goal temperature.

maxeval : int

Maximum function evaluations.

maxaccept : int

Maximum changes to accept.

maxiter : int

Maximum cooling iterations.

learn_rate : float

Scale constant for adjusting guesses.

boltzmann : float

Boltzmann constant in acceptance test (increase for less stringent test at each temperature).

feps : float

Stopping relative error tolerance for the function value in last four coolings.

quench, m, n : float

Parameters to alter fast_sa schedule.

lower, upper : float or ndarray

Lower and upper bounds on x.

dwell : int

The number of times to search the space at each temperature.

Returns :

xmin : ndarray

Point giving smallest value found.

Jmin : float

Minimum value of function found.

T : float

Final temperature.

feval : int

Number of function evaluations.

iters : int

Number of cooling iterations.

accept : int

Number of tests accepted.

retval : int

Flag indicating stopping condition:

0 : Points no longer changing
1 : Cooled to final temperature
2 : Maximum function evaluations
3 : Maximum cooling iterations reached
4 : Maximum accepted query locations reached
5 : Final point not the minimum amongst encountered points


Simulated annealing is a random algorithm which uses no derivative information from the function being optimized. In practice it has been more useful in discrete optimization than continuous optimization, as there are usually better algorithms for continuous optimization problems.

Some experimentation by trying the difference temperature schedules and altering their parameters is likely required to obtain good performance.

The randomness in the algorithm comes from random sampling in numpy. To obtain the same results you can call numpy.random.seed with the same seed immediately before calling scipy.optimize.anneal.

We give a brief description of how the three temperature schedules generate new points and vary their temperature. Temperatures are only updated with iterations in the outer loop. The inner loop is over loop over xrange(dwell), and new points are generated for every iteration in the inner loop. (Though whether the proposed new points are accepted is probabilistic.)

For readability, let d denote the dimension of the inputs to func. Also, let x_old denote the previous state, and k denote the iteration number of the outer loop. All other variables not defined below are input variables to scipy.optimize.anneal itself.

In the ‘fast’ schedule the updates are

u ~ Uniform(0, 1, size=d)
y = sgn(u - 0.5) * T * ((1+ 1/T)**abs(2u-1) -1.0)
xc = y * (upper - lower)
x_new = x_old + xc

c = n * exp(-n * quench)
T_new = T0 * exp(-c * k**quench)

In the ‘cauchy’ schedule the updates are

u ~ Uniform(-pi/2, pi/2, size=d)
xc = learn_rate * T * tan(u)
x_new = x_old + xc

T_new = T0 / (1+k)

In the ‘boltzmann’ schedule the updates are

std = minimum( sqrt(T) * ones(d), (upper-lower) / (3*learn_rate) )
y ~ Normal(0, std, size=d)
x_new = x_old + learn_rate * y

T_new = T0 / log(1+k)

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