This is documentation for an old release of NumPy (version 1.9.2). Read this page in the documentation of the latest stable release (version > 1.17).
Release Notes¶
NumPy 1.9.2 Release Notes¶
This is a bugfix only release in the 1.9.x series.
Issues fixed¶
- #5316: fix too large dtype alignment of strings and complex types
- #5424: fix ma.median when used on ndarrays
- #5481: Fix astype for structured array fields of different byte order
- #5354: fix segfault when clipping complex arrays
- #5524: allow np.argpartition on non ndarrays
- #5612: Fixes ndarray.fill to accept full range of uint64
- #5155: Fix loadtxt with comments=None and a string None data
- #4476: Masked array view fails if structured dtype has datetime component
- #5388: Make RandomState.set_state and RandomState.get_state threadsafe
- #5390: make seed, randint and shuffle threadsafe
- #5374: Fixed incorrect assert_array_almost_equal_nulp documentation
- #5393: Add support for ATLAS > 3.9.33.
- #5313: PyArray_AsCArray caused segfault for 3d arrays
- #5492: handle out of memory in rfftf
- #4181: fix a few bugs in the random.pareto docstring
- #5359: minor changes to linspace docstring
- #4723: fix a compile issues on AIX
NumPy 1.9.1 Release Notes¶
This is a bugfix only release in the 1.9.x series.
Issues fixed¶
- gh-5184: restore linear edge behaviour of gradient to as it was in < 1.9. The second order behaviour is available via the edge_order keyword
- gh-4007: workaround Accelerate sgemv crash on OSX 10.9
- gh-5100: restore object dtype inference from iterable objects without len()
- gh-5163: avoid gcc-4.1.2 (red hat 5) miscompilation causing a crash
- gh-5138: fix nanmedian on arrays containing inf
- gh-5240: fix not returning out array from ufuncs with subok=False set
- gh-5203: copy inherited masks in MaskedArray.__array_finalize__
- gh-2317: genfromtxt did not handle filling_values=0 correctly
- gh-5067: restore api of npy_PyFile_DupClose in python2
- gh-5063: cannot convert invalid sequence index to tuple
- gh-5082: Segmentation fault with argmin() on unicode arrays
- gh-5095: don’t propagate subtypes from np.where
- gh-5104: np.inner segfaults with SciPy’s sparse matrices
- gh-5251: Issue with fromarrays not using correct format for unicode arrays
- gh-5136: Import dummy_threading if importing threading fails
- gh-5148: Make numpy import when run with Python flag ‘-OO’
- gh-5147: Einsum double contraction in particular order causes ValueError
- gh-479: Make f2py work with intent(in out)
- gh-5170: Make python2 .npy files readable in python3
- gh-5027: Use ‘ll’ as the default length specifier for long long
- gh-4896: fix build error with MSVC 2013 caused by C99 complex support
- gh-4465: Make PyArray_PutTo respect writeable flag
- gh-5225: fix crash when using arange on datetime without dtype set
- gh-5231: fix build in c99 mode
NumPy 1.9.0 Release Notes¶
This release supports Python 2.6 - 2.7 and 3.2 - 3.4.
- Numerous performance improvements in various areas, most notably indexing and operations on small arrays are significantly faster. Indexing operations now also release the GIL.
- Addition of nanmedian and nanpercentile rounds out the nanfunction set.
Dropped Support¶
- The oldnumeric and numarray modules have been removed.
- The doc/pyrex and doc/cython directories have been removed.
- The doc/numpybook directory has been removed.
- The numpy/testing/ file has been removed together with the importall function it contained.
Future Changes¶
- The numpy/polynomial/ file will be removed in NumPy 1.10.0.
- Default casting for inplace operations will change to ‘same_kind’ in Numpy 1.10.0. This will certainly break some code that is currently ignoring the warning.
- Relaxed stride checking will be the default in 1.10.0
- String version checks will break because, e.g., ‘1.9’ > ‘1.10’ is True. A NumpyVersion class has been added that can be used for such comparisons.
- The diagonal and diag functions will return writeable views in 1.10.0
- The S and/or a dtypes may be changed to represent Python strings instead of bytes, in Python 3 these two types are very different.
Compatibility notes¶
The diagonal and diag functions return readonly views.¶
In NumPy 1.8, the diagonal and diag functions returned readonly copies, in NumPy 1.9 they return readonly views, and in 1.10 they will return writeable views.
Special scalar float values don’t cause upcast to double anymore¶
In previous numpy versions operations involving floating point scalars containing special values NaN, Inf and -Inf caused the result type to be at least float64. As the special values can be represented in the smallest available floating point type, the upcast is not performed anymore.
For example the dtype of:
np.array([1.], dtype=np.float32) * float('nan')
now remains float32 instead of being cast to float64. Operations involving non-special values have not been changed.
Percentile output changes¶
If given more than one percentile to compute numpy.percentile returns an array instead of a list. A single percentile still returns a scalar. The array is equivalent to converting the list returned in older versions to an array via np.array.
If the overwrite_input option is used the input is only partially instead of fully sorted.
ndarray.tofile exception type¶
All tofile exceptions are now IOError, some were previously ValueError.
Invalid fill value exceptions¶
Two changes to
- When the fill value is a string and the array type is not one of ‘OSUV’, TypeError is raised instead of the default fill value being used.
- When the fill value overflows the array type, TypeError is raised instead of OverflowError.
Polynomial Classes no longer derived from PolyBase¶
This may cause problems with folks who depended on the polynomial classes being derived from PolyBase. They are now all derived from the abstract base class ABCPolyBase. Strictly speaking, there should be a deprecation involved, but no external code making use of the old baseclass could be found.
Using numpy.random.binomial may change the RNG state vs. numpy < 1.9¶
A bug in one of the algorithms to generate a binomial random variate has been fixed. This change will likely alter the number of random draws performed, and hence the sequence location will be different after a call to distribution.c::rk_binomial_btpe. Any tests which rely on the RNG being in a known state should be checked and/or updated as a result.
Random seed enforced to be a 32 bit unsigned integer¶
np.random.seed and np.random.RandomState now throw a ValueError if the seed cannot safely be converted to 32 bit unsigned integers. Applications that now fail can be fixed by masking the higher 32 bit values to zero: seed = seed & 0xFFFFFFFF. This is what is done silently in older versions so the random stream remains the same.
Argmin and argmax out argument¶
The out argument to np.argmin and np.argmax and their equivalent C-API functions is now checked to match the desired output shape exactly. If the check fails a ValueError instead of TypeError is raised.
Remove unnecessary broadcasting notation restrictions. np.einsum('ijk,j->ijk', A, B) can also be written as np.einsum('ij...,j->ij...', A, B) (ellipsis is no longer required on ‘j’)
The NumPy indexing has seen a complete rewrite in this version. This makes most advanced integer indexing operations much faster and should have no other implications. However some subtle changes and deprecations were introduced in advanced indexing operations:
- Boolean indexing into scalar arrays will always return a new 1-d array. This means that array(1)[array(True)] gives array([1]) and not the original array.
- Advanced indexing into one dimensional arrays used to have (undocumented) special handling regarding repeating the value array in assignments when the shape of the value array was too small or did not match. Code using this will raise an error. For compatibility you can use arr.flat[index] = values, which uses the old code branch. (for example a = np.ones(10); a[np.arange(10)] = [1, 2, 3])
- The iteration order over advanced indexes used to be always C-order. In NumPy 1.9. the iteration order adapts to the inputs and is not guaranteed (with the exception of a single advanced index which is never reversed for compatibility reasons). This means that the result is undefined if multiple values are assigned to the same element. An example for this is arr[[0, 0], [1, 1]] = [1, 2], which may set arr[0, 1] to either 1 or 2.
- Equivalent to the iteration order, the memory layout of the advanced indexing result is adapted for faster indexing and cannot be predicted.
- All indexing operations return a view or a copy. No indexing operation will return the original array object. (For example arr[...])
- In the future Boolean array-likes (such as lists of python bools) will always be treated as Boolean indexes and Boolean scalars (including python True) will be a legal boolean index. At this time, this is already the case for scalar arrays to allow the general positive = a[a > 0] to work when a is zero dimensional.
- In NumPy 1.8 it was possible to use array(True) and array(False) equivalent to 1 and 0 if the result of the operation was a scalar. This will raise an error in NumPy 1.9 and, as noted above, treated as a boolean index in the future.
- All non-integer array-likes are deprecated, object arrays of custom integer like objects may have to be cast explicitly.
- The error reporting for advanced indexing is more informative, however the error type has changed in some cases. (Broadcasting errors of indexing arrays are reported as IndexError)
- Indexing with more then one ellipsis (...) is deprecated.
Non-integer reduction axis indexes are deprecated¶
Non-integer axis indexes to reduction ufuncs like add.reduce or sum are deprecated.
promote_types and string dtype¶
promote_types function now returns a valid string length when given an integer or float dtype as one argument and a string dtype as another argument. Previously it always returned the input string dtype, even if it wasn’t long enough to store the max integer/float value converted to a string.
can_cast and string dtype¶
can_cast function now returns False in “safe” casting mode for integer/float dtype and string dtype if the string dtype length is not long enough to store the max integer/float value converted to a string. Previously can_cast in “safe” mode returned True for integer/float dtype and a string dtype of any length.
astype and string dtype¶
The astype method now returns an error if the string dtype to cast to is not long enough in “safe” casting mode to hold the max value of integer/float array that is being casted. Previously the casting was allowed even if the result was truncated.
npyio.recfromcsv keyword arguments change¶
npyio.recfromcsv no longer accepts the undocumented update keyword, which used to override the dtype keyword.
The doc/swig directory moved¶
The doc/swig directory has been moved to tools/swig.
The npy_3kcompat.h header changed¶
The unused simple_capsule_dtor function has been removed from npy_3kcompat.h. Note that this header is not meant to be used outside of numpy; other projects should be using their own copy of this file when needed.
Negative indices in C-Api sq_item and sq_ass_item sequence methods¶
When directly accessing the sq_item or sq_ass_item PyObject slots for item getting, negative indices will not be supported anymore. PySequence_GetItem and PySequence_SetItem however fix negative indices so that they can be used there.
When NpyIter_RemoveAxis is now called, the iterator range will be reset.
When a multi index is being tracked and an iterator is not buffered, it is possible to use NpyIter_RemoveAxis. In this case an iterator can shrink in size. Because the total size of an iterator is limited, the iterator may be too large before these calls. In this case its size will be set to -1 and an error issued not at construction time but when removing the multi index, setting the iterator range, or getting the next function.
This has no effect on currently working code, but highlights the necessity of checking for an error return if these conditions can occur. In most cases the arrays being iterated are as large as the iterator so that such a problem cannot occur.
This change was already applied to the 1.8.1 release.
zeros_like for string dtypes now returns empty strings¶
To match the zeros function zeros_like now returns an array initialized with empty strings instead of an array filled with ‘0’.
New Features¶
Percentile supports more interpolation options¶
np.percentile now has the interpolation keyword argument to specify in which way points should be interpolated if the percentiles fall between two values. See the documentation for the available options.
Generalized axis support for median and percentile¶
np.median and np.percentile now support generalized axis arguments like ufunc reductions do since 1.7. One can now say axis=(index, index) to pick a list of axes for the reduction. The keepdims keyword argument was also added to allow convenient broadcasting to arrays of the original shape.
Dtype parameter added to np.linspace and np.logspace¶
The returned data type from the linspace and logspace functions can now be specified using the dtype parameter.
More general np.triu and np.tril broadcasting¶
For arrays with ndim exceeding 2, these functions will now apply to the final two axes instead of raising an exception.
tobytes alias for tostring method¶
ndarray.tobytes and MaskedArray.tobytes have been added as aliases for tostring which exports arrays as bytes. This is more consistent in Python 3 where str and bytes are not the same.
Build system¶
Added experimental support for the ppc64le and OpenRISC architecture.
Compatibility to python numbers module¶
All numerical numpy types are now registered with the type hierarchy in the python numbers module.
increasing parameter added to np.vander¶
The ordering of the columns of the Vandermonde matrix can be specified with this new boolean argument.
unique_counts parameter added to np.unique¶
The number of times each unique item comes up in the input can now be obtained as an optional return value.
Support for median and percentile in nanfunctions¶
The np.nanmedian and np.nanpercentile functions behave like the median and percentile functions except that NaNs are ignored.
NumpyVersion class added¶
The class may be imported from numpy.lib and can be used for version comparison when the numpy version goes to 1.10.devel. For example:
>>> from numpy.lib import NumpyVersion
>>> if NumpyVersion(np.__version__) < '1.10.0'):
... print('Wow, that is an old NumPy version!')
Allow saving arrays with large number of named columns¶
The numpy storage format 1.0 only allowed the array header to have a total size of 65535 bytes. This can be exceeded by structured arrays with a large number of columns. A new format 2.0 has been added which extends the header size to 4 GiB. will automatically save in 2.0 format if the data requires it, else it will always use the more compatible 1.0 format.
Full broadcasting support for np.cross¶
np.cross now properly broadcasts its two input arrays, even if they have different number of dimensions. In earlier versions this would result in either an error being raised, or wrong results computed.
Better numerical stability for sum in some cases¶
Pairwise summation is now used in the sum method, but only along the fast axis and for groups of the values <= 8192 in length. This should also improve the accuracy of var and std in some common cases.
Percentile implemented in terms of np.partition¶
np.percentile has been implemented in terms of np.partition which only partially sorts the data via a selection algorithm. This improves the time complexity from O(nlog(n)) to O(n).
Performance improvement for np.array¶
The performance of converting lists containing arrays to arrays using np.array has been improved. It is now equivalent in speed to np.vstack(list).
Performance improvement for np.searchsorted¶
For the built-in numeric types, np.searchsorted no longer relies on the data type’s compare function to perform the search, but is now implemented by type specific functions. Depending on the size of the inputs, this can result in performance improvements over 2x.
Optional reduced verbosity for np.distutils¶
Set numpy.distutils.system_info.system_info.verbosity = 0 and then calls to numpy.distutils.system_info.get_info('blas_opt') will not print anything on the output. This is mostly for other packages using numpy.distutils.
Covariance check in np.random.multivariate_normal¶
A RuntimeWarning warning is raised when the covariance matrix is not positive-semidefinite.
Polynomial Classes no longer template based¶
The polynomial classes have been refactored to use an abstract base class rather than a template in order to implement a common interface. This makes importing the polynomial package faster as the classes do not need to be compiled on import.
More GIL releases¶
Several more functions now release the Global Interpreter Lock allowing more efficient parallization using the threading module. Most notably the GIL is now released for fancy indexing, np.where and the random module now uses a per-state lock instead of the GIL.
MaskedArray support for more complicated base classes¶
Built-in assumptions that the baseclass behaved like a plain array are being removed. In particalur, repr and str should now work more reliably.
Non-integer scalars for sequence repetition¶
Using non-integer numpy scalars to repeat python sequences is deprecated. For example np.float_(2) * [1] will be an error in the future.
select input deprecations¶
The integer and empty input to select is deprecated. In the future only boolean arrays will be valid conditions and an empty condlist will be considered an input error instead of returning the default.
rank function¶
The rank function has been deprecated to avoid confusion with numpy.linalg.matrix_rank.
Object array equality comparisons¶
In the future object array comparisons both == and np.equal will not make use of identity checks anymore. For example:
>>> a = np.array([np.array([1, 2, 3]), 1])
>>> b = np.array([np.array([1, 2, 3]), 1])
>>> a == b
will consistently return False (and in the future an error) even if the array in a and b was the same object.
The equality operator == will in the future raise errors like np.equal if broadcasting or element comparisons, etc. fails.
Comparison with arr == None will in the future do an elementwise comparison instead of just returning False. Code should be using arr is None.
All of these changes will give Deprecation- or FutureWarnings at this time.
The utility function npy_PyFile_Dup and npy_PyFile_DupClose are broken by the internal buffering python 3 applies to its file objects. To fix this two new functions npy_PyFile_Dup2 and npy_PyFile_DupClose2 are declared in npy_3kcompat.h and the old functions are deprecated. Due to the fragile nature of these functions it is recommended to instead use the python API when possible.
This change was already applied to the 1.8.1 release.
NumPy 1.8.2 Release Notes¶
This is a bugfix only release in the 1.8.x series.
Issues fixed¶
- gh-4836: partition produces wrong results for multiple selections in equal ranges
- gh-4656: Make fftpack._raw_fft threadsafe
- gh-4628: incorrect argument order to _copyto in in np.nanmax, np.nanmin
- gh-4642: Hold GIL for converting dtypes types with fields
- gh-4733: fix np.linalg.svd(b, compute_uv=False)
- gh-4853: avoid unaligned simd load on reductions on i386
- gh-4722: Fix seg fault converting empty string to object
- gh-4613: Fix lack of NULL check in array_richcompare
- gh-4774: avoid unaligned access for strided byteswap
- gh-650: Prevent division by zero when creating arrays from some buffers
- gh-4602: ifort has issues with optimization flag O2, use O1
NumPy 1.8.1 Release Notes¶
This is a bugfix only release in the 1.8.x series.
Issues fixed¶
- gh-4276: Fix mean, var, std methods for object arrays
- gh-4262: remove insecure mktemp usage
- gh-2385: absolute(complex(inf)) raises invalid warning in python3
- gh-4024: Sequence assignment doesn’t raise exception on shape mismatch
- gh-4027: Fix chunked reading of strings longer than BUFFERSIZE
- gh-4109: Fix object scalar return type of 0-d array indices
- gh-4018: fix missing check for memory allocation failure in ufuncs
- gh-4156: high order linalg.norm discards imaginary elements of complex arrays
- gh-4144: linalg: norm fails on longdouble, signed int
- gh-4094: fix NaT handling in _strided_to_strided_string_to_datetime
- gh-4051: fix uninitialized use in _strided_to_strided_string_to_datetime
- gh-4093: Loading compressed .npz file fails under Python 2.6.6
- gh-4138: segfault with non-native endian memoryview in python 3.4
- gh-4123: Fix missing NULL check in lexsort
- gh-4170: fix native-only long long check in memoryviews
- gh-4187: Fix large file support on 32 bit
- gh-4152: fromfile: ensure file handle positions are in sync in python3
- gh-4176: clang compatibility: Typos in conversion_utils
- gh-4223: Fetching a non-integer item caused array return
- gh-4197: fix minor memory leak in memoryview failure case
- gh-4206: fix build with single-threaded python
- gh-4220: add versionadded:: 1.8.0 to docstring
- gh-4267: improve handling of memory allocation failure
- gh-4267: fix use of capi without gil in
- gh-4261: Detect vendor versions of GNU Compilers
- gh-4253: IRR was returning nan instead of valid negative answer
- gh-4254: fix unnecessary byte order flag change for byte arrays
- gh-3263: numpy.random.shuffle clobbers mask of a MaskedArray
- gh-4270: np.random.shuffle not work with flexible dtypes
- gh-3173: Segmentation fault when ‘size’ argument to random.multinomial
- gh-2799: allow using unique with lists of complex
- gh-3504: fix linspace truncation for integer array scalar
- gh-4191: get_info(‘openblas’) does not read libraries key
- gh-3348: Access violation in _descriptor_from_pep3118_format
- gh-3175: segmentation fault with numpy.array() from bytearray
- gh-4266: histogramdd - wrong result for entries very close to last boundary
- gh-4408: Fix stride_stricks.as_strided function for object arrays
- gh-4225: fix log1p and exmp1 return for np.inf on windows compiler builds
- gh-4359: Fix infinite recursion in str.format of flex arrays
- gh-4145: Incorrect shape of broadcast result with the exponent operator
- gh-4483: Fix commutativity of {dot,multiply,inner}(scalar, matrix_of_objs)
- gh-4466: Delay npyiter size check when size may change
- gh-4485: Buffered stride was erroneously marked fixed
- gh-4354: byte_bounds fails with datetime dtypes
- gh-4486: segfault/error converting from/to high-precision datetime64 objects
- gh-4428: einsum(None, None, None, None) causes segfault
- gh-4134: uninitialized use for for size 1 object reductions
When NpyIter_RemoveAxis is now called, the iterator range will be reset.
When a multi index is being tracked and an iterator is not buffered, it is possible to use NpyIter_RemoveAxis. In this case an iterator can shrink in size. Because the total size of an iterator is limited, the iterator may be too large before these calls. In this case its size will be set to -1 and an error issued not at construction time but when removing the multi index, setting the iterator range, or getting the next function.
This has no effect on currently working code, but highlights the necessity of checking for an error return if these conditions can occur. In most cases the arrays being iterated are as large as the iterator so that such a problem cannot occur.
Optional reduced verbosity for np.distutils¶
Set numpy.distutils.system_info.system_info.verbosity = 0 and then calls to numpy.distutils.system_info.get_info('blas_opt') will not print anything on the output. This is mostly for other packages using numpy.distutils.
The utility function npy_PyFile_Dup and npy_PyFile_DupClose are broken by the internal buffering python 3 applies to its file objects. To fix this two new functions npy_PyFile_Dup2 and npy_PyFile_DupClose2 are declared in npy_3kcompat.h and the old functions are deprecated. Due to the fragile nature of these functions it is recommended to instead use the python API when possible.
NumPy 1.8.0 Release Notes¶
This release supports Python 2.6 -2.7 and 3.2 - 3.3.
- New, no 2to3, Python 2 and Python 3 are supported by a common code base.
- New, gufuncs for linear algebra, enabling operations on stacked arrays.
- New, inplace fancy indexing for ufuncs with the .at method.
- New, partition function, partial sorting via selection for fast median.
- New, nanmean, nanvar, and nanstd functions skipping NaNs.
- New, full and full_like functions to create value initialized arrays.
- New, PyUFunc_RegisterLoopForDescr, better ufunc support for user dtypes.
- Numerous performance improvements in many areas.
Dropped Support¶
Support for Python versions 2.4 and 2.5 has been dropped,
Support for SCons has been removed.
Future Changes¶
The Datetime64 type remains experimental in this release. In 1.9 there will probably be some changes to make it more useable.
The diagonal method currently returns a new array and raises a FutureWarning. In 1.9 it will return a readonly view.
Multiple field selection from a array of structured type currently returns a new array and raises a FutureWarning. In 1.9 it will return a readonly view.
The numpy/oldnumeric and numpy/numarray compatibility modules will be removed in 1.9.
Compatibility notes¶
The doc/sphinxext content has been moved into its own github repository, and is included in numpy as a submodule. See the instructions in doc/HOWTO_BUILD_DOCS.rst.txt for how to access the content.
The hash function of numpy.void scalars has been changed. Previously the pointer to the data was hashed as an integer. Now, the hash function uses the tuple-hash algorithm to combine the hash functions of the elements of the scalar, but only if the scalar is read-only.
Numpy has switched its build system to using ‘separate compilation’ by default. In previous releases this was supported, but not default. This should produce the same results as the old system, but if you’re trying to do something complicated like link numpy statically or using an unusual compiler, then it’s possible you will encounter problems. If so, please file a bug and as a temporary workaround you can re-enable the old build system by exporting the shell variable NPY_SEPARATE_COMPILATION=0.
For the AdvancedNew iterator the oa_ndim flag should now be -1 to indicate that no op_axes and itershape are passed in. The oa_ndim == 0 case, now indicates a 0-D iteration and op_axes being NULL and the old usage is deprecated. This does not effect the NpyIter_New or NpyIter_MultiNew functions.
The functions nanargmin and nanargmax now return np.iinfo[‘intp’].min for the index in all-NaN slices. Previously the functions would raise a ValueError for array returns and NaN for scalar returns.
There is a new compile time environment variable NPY_RELAXED_STRIDES_CHECKING. If this variable is set to 1, then numpy will consider more arrays to be C- or F-contiguous – for example, it becomes possible to have a column vector which is considered both C- and F-contiguous simultaneously. The new definition is more accurate, allows for faster code that makes fewer unnecessary copies, and simplifies numpy’s code internally. However, it may also break third-party libraries that make too-strong assumptions about the stride values of C- and F-contiguous arrays. (It is also currently known that this breaks Cython code using memoryviews, which will be fixed in Cython.) THIS WILL BECOME THE DEFAULT IN A FUTURE RELEASE, SO PLEASE TEST YOUR CODE NOW AGAINST NUMPY BUILT WITH:
You can check whether NPY_RELAXED_STRIDES_CHECKING is in effect by running:
np.ones((10, 1), order="C").flags.f_contiguous
This will be True if relaxed strides checking is enabled, and False otherwise. The typical problem we’ve seen so far is C code that works with C-contiguous arrays, and assumes that the itemsize can be accessed by looking at the last element in the PyArray_STRIDES(arr) array. When relaxed strides are in effect, this is not true (and in fact, it never was true in some corner cases). Instead, use PyArray_ITEMSIZE(arr).
For more information check the “Internal memory layout of an ndarray” section in the documentation.
Binary operations with non-arrays as second argument¶
Binary operations of the form <array-or-subclass> * <non-array-subclass> where <non-array-subclass> declares an __array_priority__ higher than that of <array-or-subclass> will now unconditionally return NotImplemented, giving <non-array-subclass> a chance to handle the operation. Previously, NotImplemented would only be returned if <non-array-subclass> actually implemented the reversed operation, and after a (potentially expensive) array conversion of <non-array-subclass> had been attempted. (bug, pull request)
Function median used with overwrite_input only partially sorts array¶
If median is used with overwrite_input option the input array will now only be partially sorted instead of fully sorted.
Fix to financial.npv¶
The npv function had a bug. Contrary to what the documentation stated, it summed from indexes 1 to M instead of from 0 to M - 1. The fix changes the returned value. The mirr function called the npv function, but worked around the problem, so that was also fixed and the return value of the mirr function remains unchanged.
Runtime warnings when comparing NaN numbers¶
Comparing NaN floating point numbers now raises the invalid runtime warning. If a NaN is expected the warning can be ignored using np.errstate. E.g.:
with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'):
New Features¶
Support for linear algebra on stacked arrays¶
The gufunc machinery is now used for np.linalg, allowing operations on stacked arrays and vectors. For example:
>>> a
array([[[ 1., 1.],
[ 0., 1.]],
[[ 1., 1.],
[ 0., 1.]]])
>>> np.linalg.inv(a)
array([[[ 1., -1.],
[ 0., 1.]],
[[ 1., -1.],
[ 0., 1.]]])
In place fancy indexing for ufuncs¶
The function at has been added to ufunc objects to allow in place ufuncs with no buffering when fancy indexing is used. For example, the following will increment the first and second items in the array, and will increment the third item twice:, [0, 1, 2, 2], 1)
This is what many have mistakenly thought arr[[0, 1, 2, 2]] += 1 would do, but that does not work as the incremented value of arr[2] is simply copied into the third slot in arr twice, not incremented twice.
New functions partition and argpartition¶
New functions to partially sort arrays via a selection algorithm.
A partition by index k moves the k smallest element to the front of an array. All elements before k are then smaller or equal than the value in position k and all elements following k are then greater or equal than the value in position k. The ordering of the values within these bounds is undefined. A sequence of indices can be provided to sort all of them into their sorted position at once iterative partitioning. This can be used to efficiently obtain order statistics like median or percentiles of samples. partition has a linear time complexity of O(n) while a full sort has O(n log(n)).
New functions nanmean, nanvar and nanstd¶
New nan aware statistical functions are added. In these functions the results are what would be obtained if nan values were ommited from all computations.
New functions full and full_like¶
New convenience functions to create arrays filled with a specific value; complementary to the existing zeros and zeros_like functions.
IO compatibility with large files¶
Large NPZ files >2GB can be loaded on 64-bit systems.
Building against OpenBLAS¶
It is now possible to build numpy against OpenBLAS by editing site.cfg.
New constant¶
Euler’s constant is now exposed in numpy as euler_gamma.
New modes for qr¶
New modes ‘complete’, ‘reduced’, and ‘raw’ have been added to the qr factorization and the old ‘full’ and ‘economic’ modes are deprecated. The ‘reduced’ mode replaces the old ‘full’ mode and is the default as was the ‘full’ mode, so backward compatibility can be maintained by not specifying the mode.
The ‘complete’ mode returns a full dimensional factorization, which can be useful for obtaining a basis for the orthogonal complement of the range space. The ‘raw’ mode returns arrays that contain the Householder reflectors and scaling factors that can be used in the future to apply q without needing to convert to a matrix. The ‘economic’ mode is simply deprecated, there isn’t much use for it and it isn’t any more efficient than the ‘raw’ mode.
New invert argument to in1d¶
The function in1d now accepts a invert argument which, when True, causes the returned array to be inverted.
Advanced indexing using np.newaxis¶
It is now possible to use np.newaxis/None together with index arrays instead of only in simple indices. This means that array[np.newaxis, [0, 1]] will now work as expected and select the first two rows while prepending a new axis to the array.
New ufuncs can now be registered with builtin input types and a custom output type. Before this change, NumPy wouldn’t be able to find the right ufunc loop function when the ufunc was called from Python, because the ufunc loop signature matching logic wasn’t looking at the output operand type. Now the correct ufunc loop is found, as long as the user provides an output argument with the correct output type.¶
A simple test runner script was added. It also builds Numpy via build and can be used to run tests easily during development.
IO performance improvements¶
Performance in reading large files was improved by chunking (see also IO compatibility).
Performance improvements to pad¶
The pad function has a new implementation, greatly improving performance for all inputs except mode= (retained for backwards compatibility). Scaling with dimensionality is dramatically improved for rank >= 4.
Performance improvements to isnan, isinf, isfinite and byteswap¶
isnan, isinf, isfinite and byteswap have been improved to take advantage of compiler builtins to avoid expensive calls to libc. This improves performance of these operations by about a factor of two on gnu libc systems.
Performance improvements via SSE2 vectorization¶
Several functions have been optimized to make use of SSE2 CPU SIMD instructions.
- Float32 and float64:
- base math (add, subtract, divide, multiply)
- sqrt
- minimum/maximum
- absolute
- Bool:
- logical_or
- logical_and
- logical_not
This improves performance of these operations up to 4x/2x for float32/float64 and up to 10x for bool depending on the location of the data in the CPU caches. The performance gain is greatest for in-place operations.
In order to use the improved functions the SSE2 instruction set must be enabled at compile time. It is enabled by default on x86_64 systems. On x86_32 with a capable CPU it must be enabled by passing the appropriate flag to the CFLAGS build variable (-msse2 with gcc).
Performance improvements to median¶
median is now implemented in terms of partition instead of sort which reduces its time complexity from O(n log(n)) to O(n). If used with the overwrite_input option the array will now only be partially sorted instead of fully sorted.
Overrideable operand flags in ufunc C-API¶
When creating a ufunc, the default ufunc operand flags can be overridden via the new op_flags attribute of the ufunc object. For example, to set the operand flag for the first input to read/write:
PyObject *ufunc = PyUFunc_FromFuncAndData(...); ufunc->op_flags[0] = NPY_ITER_READWRITE;
This allows a ufunc to perform an operation in place. Also, global nditer flags can be overridden via the new iter_flags attribute of the ufunc object. For example, to set the reduce flag for a ufunc:
ufunc->iter_flags = NPY_ITER_REDUCE_OK;
The function np.take now allows 0-d arrays as indices.
The separate compilation mode is now enabled by default.
Several changes to np.insert and np.delete:
- Previously, negative indices and indices that pointed past the end of the array were simply ignored. Now, this will raise a Future or Deprecation Warning. In the future they will be treated like normal indexing treats them – negative indices will wrap around, and out-of-bound indices will generate an error.
- Previously, boolean indices were treated as if they were integers (always referring to either the 0th or 1st item in the array). In the future, they will be treated as masks. In this release, they raise a FutureWarning warning of this coming change.
- In Numpy 1.7. np.insert already allowed the syntax np.insert(arr, 3, [1,2,3]) to insert multiple items at a single position. In Numpy 1.8. this is also possible for np.insert(arr, [3], [1, 2, 3]).
Padded regions from np.pad are now correctly rounded, not truncated.
C-API Array Additions¶
Four new functions have been added to the array C-API.
- PyArray_Partition
- PyArray_ArgPartition
- PyArray_SelectkindConverter
C-API Ufunc Additions¶
One new function has been added to the ufunc C-API that allows to register an inner loop for user types using the descr.
- PyUFunc_RegisterLoopForDescr
C-API Developer Improvements¶
The PyArray_Type instance creation function tp_new now uses tp_basicsize to determine how much memory to allocate. In previous releases only sizeof(PyArrayObject) bytes of memory were allocated, often requiring C-API subtypes to reimplement tp_new.
The ‘full’ and ‘economic’ modes of qr factorization are deprecated.
The use of non-integer for indices and most integer arguments has been deprecated. Previously float indices and function arguments such as axes or shapes were truncated to integers without warning. For example arr.reshape(3., -1) or arr[0.] will trigger a deprecation warning in NumPy 1.8., and in some future version of NumPy they will raise an error.
This release contains work by the following people who contributed at least one patch to this release. The names are in alphabetical order by first name:
- 87
- Adam Ginsburg +
- Adam Griffiths +
- Alexander Belopolsky +
- Alex Barth +
- Alex Ford +
- Andreas Hilboll +
- Andreas Kloeckner +
- Andreas Schwab +
- Andrew Horton +
- argriffing +
- Arink Verma +
- Bago Amirbekian +
- Bartosz Telenczuk +
- bebert218 +
- Benjamin Root +
- Bill Spotz +
- Bradley M. Froehle
- Carwyn Pelley +
- Charles Harris
- Chris
- Christian Brueffer +
- Christoph Dann +
- Christoph Gohlke
- Dan Hipschman +
- Daniel +
- Dan Miller +
- daveydave400 +
- David Cournapeau
- David Warde-Farley
- Denis Laxalde
- dmuellner +
- Edward Catmur +
- Egor Zindy +
- endolith
- Eric Firing
- Eric Fode
- Eric Moore +
- Eric Price +
- Fazlul Shahriar +
- Félix Hartmann +
- Fernando Perez
- Frank B +
- Frank Breitling +
- Frederic
- Gabriel
- GaelVaroquaux
- Guillaume Gay +
- Han Genuit
- HaroldMills +
- hklemm +
- jamestwebber +
- Jason Madden +
- Jay Bourque
- jeromekelleher +
- Jesús Gómez +
- jmozmoz +
- jnothman +
- Johannes Schönberger +
- John Benediktsson +
- John Salvatier +
- John Stechschulte +
- Jonathan Waltman +
- Joon Ro +
- Jos de Kloe +
- Joseph Martinot-Lagarde +
- Josh Warner (Mac) +
- Jostein Bø Fløystad +
- Juan Luis Cano Rodríguez +
- Julian Taylor +
- Julien Phalip +
- K.-Michael Aye +
- Kumar Appaiah +
- Lars Buitinck
- Leon Weber +
- Luis Pedro Coelho
- Marcin Juszkiewicz
- Mark Wiebe
- Marten van Kerkwijk +
- Martin Baeuml +
- Martin Spacek
- Martin Teichmann +
- Matt Davis +
- Matthew Brett
- Maximilian Albert +
- m-d-w +
- Michael Droettboom
- mwtoews +
- Nathaniel J. Smith
- Nicolas Scheffer +
- Nils Werner +
- ochoadavid +
- Ondřej Čertík
- ovillellas +
- Paul Ivanov
- Pauli Virtanen
- peterjc
- Ralf Gommers
- Raul Cota +
- Richard Hattersley +
- Robert Costa +
- Robert Kern
- Rob Ruana +
- Ronan Lamy
- Sandro Tosi
- Sascha Peilicke +
- Sebastian Berg
- Skipper Seabold
- Stefan van der Walt
- Steve +
- Takafumi Arakaki +
- Thomas Robitaille +
- Tomas Tomecek +
- Travis E. Oliphant
- Valentin Haenel
- Vladimir Rutsky +
- Warren Weckesser
- Yaroslav Halchenko
- Yury V. Zaytsev +
A total of 119 people contributed to this release. People with a “+” by their names contributed a patch for the first time.
NumPy 1.7.2 Release Notes¶
This is a bugfix only release in the 1.7.x series. It supports Python 2.4 - 2.7 and 3.1 - 3.3 and is the last series that supports Python 2.4 - 2.5.
Issues fixed¶
- gh-3153: Do not reuse nditer buffers when not filled enough
- gh-3192: f2py crashes with UnboundLocalError exception
- gh-442: Concatenate with axis=None now requires equal number of array elements
- gh-2485: Fix for astype(‘S’) string truncate issue
- gh-3312: bug in count_nonzero
- gh-2684: casts complex to float under certain conditions
- gh-2403: masked array with named components does not behave as expected
- gh-2495: treated inputs in wrong order
- gh-576: add __len__ method to ma.mvoid
- gh-3364: reduce performance regression of mmap slicing
- gh-3421: fix non-swapping strided copies in GetStridedCopySwap
- gh-3373: fix small leak in datetime metadata initialization
- gh-2791: add platform specific python include directories to search paths
- gh-3168: fix undefined function and add integer divisions
- gh-3301: memmap does not work with TemporaryFile in python3
- gh-3057: distutils.misc_util.get_shared_lib_extension returns wrong debug extension
- gh-3472: add module extensions to load_library search list
- gh-3324: Make comparison function (gt, ge, ...) respect __array_priority__
- gh-3497: np.insert behaves incorrectly with argument ‘axis=-1’
- gh-3541: make preprocessor tests consistent in halffloat.c
- gh-3458: array_ass_boolean_subscript() writes ‘non-existent’ data to array
- gh-2892: Regression in ufunc.reduceat with zero-sized index array
- gh-3608: Regression when filling struct from tuple
- gh-3701: add support for Python 3.4 ast.NameConstant
- gh-3712: do not assume that GIL is enabled in xerbla
- gh-3712: fix LAPACK error handling in lapack_litemodule
- gh-3728: f2py fix decref on wrong object
- gh-3743: Hash changed signature in Python 3.3
- gh-3793: scalar int hashing broken on 64 bit python3
- gh-3160: SandboxViolation easyinstalling 1.7.0 on Mac OS X 10.8.3
- gh-3871: npy_math.h has invalid isinf for Solaris with SUNWspro12.2
- gh-2561: Disable check for oldstyle classes in python3
- gh-3900: Ensure NotImplemented is passed on in MaskedArray ufunc’s
- gh-2052: del scalar subscript causes segfault
- gh-3832: fix a few uninitialized uses and memleaks
- gh-3971: f2py changed string.lowercase to string.ascii_lowercase for python3
- gh-3480: numpy.random.binomial raised ValueError for n == 0
- gh-3992: hypot(inf, 0) shouldn’t raise a warning, hypot(inf, inf) wrong result
- gh-4018: Segmentation fault dealing with very large arrays
- gh-4094: fix NaT handling in _strided_to_strided_string_to_datetime
- gh-4051: fix uninitialized use in _strided_to_strided_string_to_datetime
- gh-4123: lexsort segfault
- gh-4141: Fix a few issues that show up with python 3.4b1
NumPy 1.7.1 Release Notes¶
This is a bugfix only release in the 1.7.x series. It supports Python 2.4 - 2.7 and 3.1 - 3.3 and is the last series that supports Python 2.4 - 2.5.
Issues fixed¶
- gh-2973: Fix 1 is printed during numpy.test()
- gh-2983: BUG: gh-2969: Backport memory leak fix 80b3a34.
- gh-3007: Backport gh-3006
- gh-2984: Backport fix complex polynomial fit
- gh-2982: BUG: Make nansum work with booleans.
- gh-2985: Backport large sort fixes
- gh-3039: Backport object take
- gh-3105: Backport nditer fix op axes initialization
- gh-3108: BUG: npy-pkg-config ini files were missing after Bento build.
- gh-3124: BUG: PyArray_LexSort allocates too much temporary memory.
- gh-3131: BUG: Exported f2py_size symbol prevents linking multiple f2py modules.
- gh-3117: Backport gh-2992
- gh-3135: DOC: Add mention of PyArray_SetBaseObject stealing a reference
- gh-3134: DOC: Fix typo in fft docs (the indexing variable is ‘m’, not ‘n’).
- gh-3136: Backport #3128
NumPy 1.7.0 Release Notes¶
This release includes several new features as well as numerous bug fixes and refactorings. It supports Python 2.4 - 2.7 and 3.1 - 3.3 and is the last release that supports Python 2.4 - 2.5.
- where= parameter to ufuncs (allows the use of boolean arrays to choose where a computation should be done)
- vectorize improvements (added ‘excluded’ and ‘cache’ keyword, general cleanup and bug fixes)
- numpy.random.choice (random sample generating function)
Compatibility notes¶
In a future version of numpy, the functions np.diag, np.diagonal, and the diagonal method of ndarrays will return a view onto the original array, instead of producing a copy as they do now. This makes a difference if you write to the array returned by any of these functions. To facilitate this transition, numpy 1.7 produces a FutureWarning if it detects that you may be attempting to write to such an array. See the documentation for np.diagonal for details.
Similar to np.diagonal above, in a future version of numpy, indexing a record array by a list of field names will return a view onto the original array, instead of producing a copy as they do now. As with np.diagonal, numpy 1.7 produces a FutureWarning if it detects that you may be attempting to write to such an array. See the documentation for array indexing for details.
In a future version of numpy, the default casting rule for UFunc out= parameters will be changed from ‘unsafe’ to ‘same_kind’. (This also applies to in-place operations like a += b, which is equivalent to np.add(a, b, out=a).) Most usages which violate the ‘same_kind’ rule are likely bugs, so this change may expose previously undetected errors in projects that depend on NumPy. In this version of numpy, such usages will continue to succeed, but will raise a DeprecationWarning.
Full-array boolean indexing has been optimized to use a different, optimized code path. This code path should produce the same results, but any feedback about changes to your code would be appreciated.
Attempting to write to a read-only array (one with arr.flags.writeable set to False) used to raise either a RuntimeError, ValueError, or TypeError inconsistently, depending on which code path was taken. It now consistently raises a ValueError.
The <ufunc>.reduce functions evaluate some reductions in a different order than in previous versions of NumPy, generally providing higher performance. Because of the nature of floating-point arithmetic, this may subtly change some results, just as linking NumPy to a different BLAS implementations such as MKL can.
If upgrading from 1.5, then generally in 1.6 and 1.7 there have been substantial code added and some code paths altered, particularly in the areas of type resolution and buffered iteration over universal functions. This might have an impact on your code particularly if you relied on accidental behavior in the past.
New features¶
Reduction UFuncs Generalize axis= Parameter¶
Any ufunc.reduce function call, as well as other reductions like sum, prod, any, all, max and min support the ability to choose a subset of the axes to reduce over. Previously, one could say axis=None to mean all the axes or axis=# to pick a single axis. Now, one can also say axis=(#,#) to pick a list of axes for reduction.
Reduction UFuncs New keepdims= Parameter¶
There is a new keepdims= parameter, which if set to True, doesn’t throw away the reduction axes but instead sets them to have size one. When this option is set, the reduction result will broadcast correctly to the original operand which was reduced.
Datetime support¶
The datetime API is experimental in 1.7.0, and may undergo changes in future versions of NumPy.
There have been a lot of fixes and enhancements to datetime64 compared to NumPy 1.6:
- the parser is quite strict about only accepting ISO 8601 dates, with a few convenience extensions
- converts between units correctly
- datetime arithmetic works correctly
- business day functionality (allows the datetime to be used in contexts where only certain days of the week are valid)
The notes in doc/source/reference/arrays.datetime.rst (also available in the online docs at arrays.datetime.html) should be consulted for more details.
Custom formatter for printing arrays¶
See the new formatter parameter of the numpy.set_printoptions function.
New function numpy.random.choice¶
A generic sampling function has been added which will generate samples from a given array-like. The samples can be with or without replacement, and with uniform or given non-uniform probabilities.
New function isclose¶
Returns a boolean array where two arrays are element-wise equal within a tolerance. Both relative and absolute tolerance can be specified.
Preliminary multi-dimensional support in the polynomial package¶
Axis keywords have been added to the integration and differentiation functions and a tensor keyword was added to the evaluation functions. These additions allow multi-dimensional coefficient arrays to be used in those functions. New functions for evaluating 2-D and 3-D coefficient arrays on grids or sets of points were added together with 2-D and 3-D pseudo-Vandermonde matrices that can be used for fitting.
Ability to pad rank-n arrays¶
A pad module containing functions for padding n-dimensional arrays has been added. The various private padding functions are exposed as options to a public ‘pad’ function. Example:
pad(a, 5, mode='mean')
Current modes are constant, edge, linear_ramp, maximum, mean, median, minimum, reflect, symmetric, wrap, and <function>.
New argument to searchsorted¶
The function searchsorted now accepts a ‘sorter’ argument that is a permutation array that sorts the array to search.
Build system¶
Added experimental support for the AArch64 architecture.
New function PyArray_RequireWriteable provides a consistent interface for checking array writeability – any C code which works with arrays whose WRITEABLE flag is not known to be True a priori, should make sure to call this function before writing.
NumPy C Style Guide added (doc/C_STYLE_GUIDE.rst.txt).
The function np.concatenate tries to match the layout of its input arrays. Previously, the layout did not follow any particular reason, and depended in an undesirable way on the particular axis chosen for concatenation. A bug was also fixed which silently allowed out of bounds axis arguments.
The ufuncs logical_or, logical_and, and logical_not now follow Python’s behavior with object arrays, instead of trying to call methods on the objects. For example the expression (3 and ‘test’) produces the string ‘test’, and now np.logical_and(np.array(3, ‘O’), np.array(‘test’, ‘O’)) produces ‘test’ as well.
The .base attribute on ndarrays, which is used on views to ensure that the underlying array owning the memory is not deallocated prematurely, now collapses out references when you have a view-of-a-view. For example:
a = np.arange(10)
b = a[1:]
c = b[1:]
In numpy 1.6, c.base is b, and c.base.base is a. In numpy 1.7, c.base is a.
To increase backwards compatibility for software which relies on the old behaviour of .base, we only ‘skip over’ objects which have exactly the same type as the newly created view. This makes a difference if you use ndarray subclasses. For example, if we have a mix of ndarray and matrix objects which are all views on the same original ndarray:
a = np.arange(10)
b = np.asmatrix(a)
c = b[0, 1:]
d = c[0, 1:]
then d.base will be b. This is because d is a matrix object, and so the collapsing process only continues so long as it encounters other matrix objects. It considers c, b, and a in that order, and b is the last entry in that list which is a matrix object.
Casting Rules¶
Casting rules have undergone some changes in corner cases, due to the NA-related work. In particular for combinations of scalar+scalar:
- the longlong type (q) now stays longlong for operations with any other number (? b h i l q p B H I), previously it was cast as int_ (l). The ulonglong type (Q) now stays as ulonglong instead of uint (L).
- the timedelta64 type (m) can now be mixed with any integer type (b h i l q p B H I L Q P), previously it raised TypeError.
For array + scalar, the above rules just broadcast except the case when the array and scalars are unsigned/signed integers, then the result gets converted to the array type (of possibly larger size) as illustrated by the following examples:
>>> (np.zeros((2,), dtype=np.uint8) + np.int16(257)).dtype
>>> (np.zeros((2,), dtype=np.int8) + np.uint16(257)).dtype
>>> (np.zeros((2,), dtype=np.int16) + np.uint32(2**17)).dtype
Whether the size gets increased depends on the size of the scalar, for example:
>>> (np.zeros((2,), dtype=np.uint8) + np.int16(255)).dtype
>>> (np.zeros((2,), dtype=np.uint8) + np.int16(256)).dtype
Also a complex128 scalar + float32 array is cast to complex64.
In NumPy 1.7 the datetime64 type (M) must be constructed by explicitly specifying the type as the second argument (e.g. np.datetime64(2000, 'Y')).
Specifying a custom string formatter with a _format array attribute is deprecated. The new formatter keyword in numpy.set_printoptions or numpy.array2string can be used instead.
The deprecated imports in the polynomial package have been removed.
concatenate now raises DepractionWarning for 1D arrays if axis != 0. Versions of numpy < 1.7.0 ignored axis argument value for 1D arrays. We allow this for now, but in due course we will raise an error.
Direct access to the fields of PyArrayObject* has been deprecated. Direct access has been recommended against for many releases. Expect similar deprecations for PyArray_Descr* and other core objects in the future as preparation for NumPy 2.0.
The macros in old_defines.h are deprecated and will be removed in the next major release (>= 2.0). The sed script tools/replace_old_macros.sed can be used to replace these macros with the newer versions.
You can test your code against the deprecated C API by #defining NPY_NO_DEPRECATED_API to the target version number, for example NPY_1_7_API_VERSION, before including any NumPy headers.
The NPY_CHAR member of the NPY_TYPES enum is deprecated and will be removed in NumPy 1.8. See the discussion at gh-2801 for more details.
NumPy 1.6.2 Release Notes¶
This is a bugfix release in the 1.6.x series. Due to the delay of the NumPy 1.7.0 release, this release contains far more fixes than a regular NumPy bugfix release. It also includes a number of documentation and build improvements.
Issues fixed¶
- #2063: make unique() return consistent index
- #1138: allow creating arrays from empty buffers or empty slices
- #1446: correct note about correspondence vstack and concatenate
- #1149: make argmin() work for datetime
- #1672: fix allclose() to work for scalar inf
- #1747: make np.median() work for 0-D arrays
- #1776: make complex division by zero to yield inf properly
- #1675: add scalar support for the format() function
- #1905: explicitly check for NaNs in allclose()
- #1952: allow floating ddof in std() and var()
- #1948: fix regression for indexing chararrays with empty list
- #2017: fix type hashing
- #2046: deleting array attributes causes segfault
- #2033: a**2.0 has incorrect type
- #2045: make attribute/iterator_element deletions not segfault
- #2021: fix segfault in searchsorted()
- #2073: fix float16 __array_interface__ bug
- #2048: break reference cycle in NpzFile
- #1573: savetxt() now handles complex arrays
- #1387: allow bincount() to accept empty arrays
- #1899: fixed histogramdd() bug with empty inputs
- #1793: fix failing npyio test under py3k
- #1936: fix extra nesting for subarray dtypes
- #1848: make tril/triu return the same dtype as the original array
- #1918: use Py_TYPE to access ob_type, so it works also on Py3
- #1261: change compile flag on AIX from -O5 to -O3
- #1377: update HP compiler flags
- #1383: provide better support for C++ code on HPUX
- #1857: fix build for py3k + pip
- BLD: raise a clearer warning in case of building without cleaning up first
- BLD: follow build_ext coding convention in build_clib
- BLD: fix up detection of Intel CPU on OS X in
- BLD: add support for the new X11 directory structure on Ubuntu & co.
- BLD: add ufsparse to the libraries search path.
- BLD: add ‘pgfortran’ as a valid compiler in the Portland Group
- BLD: update version match regexp for IBM AIX Fortran compilers.
- BUG: Use npy_intp instead of long in mtrand
- ENH: Introduce new options extra_f77_compiler_args and extra_f90_compiler_args
- BLD: Improve reporting of fcompiler value
- BUG: Fix f2py test
- ENH: Add some tests for polynomial printing
- ENH: Add companion matrix functions
- DOC: Rearrange the polynomial documents
- BUG: Fix up links to classes
- DOC: Add version added to some of the polynomial package modules
- DOC: Document xxxfit functions in the polynomial package modules
- BUG: The polynomial convenience classes let different types interact
- DOC: Document the use of the polynomial convenience classes
- DOC: Improve numpy reference documentation of polynomial classes
- ENH: Improve the computation of polynomials from roots
- STY: Code cleanup in polynomial [*]fromroots functions
- DOC: Remove references to cast and NA, which were added in 1.7
NumPy 1.6.1 Release Notes¶
This is a bugfix only release in the 1.6.x series.
Issues Fixed¶
- #1834: einsum fails for specific shapes
- #1837: einsum throws nan or freezes python for specific array shapes
- #1838: object <-> structured type arrays regression
- #1851: regression for SWIG based code in 1.6.0
- #1863: Buggy results when operating on array copied with astype()
- #1870: Fix corner case of object array assignment
- #1843: Py3k: fix error with recarray
- #1885: nditer: Error in detecting double reduction loop
- #1874: f2py: fix –include_paths bug
- #1749: Fix ctypes.load_library()
- #1895/1896: iter: writeonly operands weren’t always being buffered correctly
NumPy 1.6.0 Release Notes¶
This release includes several new features as well as numerous bug fixes and improved documentation. It is backward compatible with the 1.5.0 release, and supports Python 2.4 - 2.7 and 3.1 - 3.2.
- Re-introduction of datetime dtype support to deal with dates in arrays.
- A new 16-bit floating point type.
- A new iterator, which improves performance of many functions.
New features¶
New 16-bit floating point type¶
This release adds support for the IEEE 754-2008 binary16 format, available as the data type numpy.half. Within Python, the type behaves similarly to float or double, and C extensions can add support for it with the exposed half-float API.
New iterator¶
A new iterator has been added, replacing the functionality of the existing iterator and multi-iterator with a single object and API. This iterator works well with general memory layouts different from C or Fortran contiguous, and handles both standard NumPy and customized broadcasting. The buffering, automatic data type conversion, and optional output parameters, offered by ufuncs but difficult to replicate elsewhere, are now exposed by this iterator.
Legendre, Laguerre, Hermite, HermiteE polynomials in numpy.polynomial¶
Extend the number of polynomials available in the polynomial package. In addition, a new window attribute has been added to the classes in order to specify the range the domain maps to. This is mostly useful for the Laguerre, Hermite, and HermiteE polynomials whose natural domains are infinite and provides a more intuitive way to get the correct mapping of values without playing unnatural tricks with the domain.
Fortran assumed shape array and size function support in numpy.f2py¶
F2py now supports wrapping Fortran 90 routines that use assumed shape arrays. Before such routines could be called from Python but the corresponding Fortran routines received assumed shape arrays as zero length arrays which caused unpredicted results. Thanks to Lorenz Hüdepohl for pointing out the correct way to interface routines with assumed shape arrays.
In addition, f2py supports now automatic wrapping of Fortran routines that use two argument size function in dimension specifications.
Other new functions¶
numpy.ravel_multi_index : Converts a multi-index tuple into an array of flat indices, applying boundary modes to the indices.
numpy.einsum : Evaluate the Einstein summation convention. Using the Einstein summation convention, many common multi-dimensional array operations can be represented in a simple fashion. This function provides a way compute such summations.
numpy.count_nonzero : Counts the number of non-zero elements in an array.
numpy.result_type and numpy.min_scalar_type : These functions expose the underlying type promotion used by the ufuncs and other operations to determine the types of outputs. These improve upon the numpy.common_type and numpy.mintypecode which provide similar functionality but do not match the ufunc implementation.
default error handling¶
The default error handling has been change from print to warn for all except for underflow, which remains as ignore.
Several new compilers are supported for building Numpy: the Portland Group Fortran compiler on OS X, the PathScale compiler suite and the 64-bit Intel C compiler on Linux.
The testing framework gained numpy.testing.assert_allclose, which provides a more convenient way to compare floating point arrays than assert_almost_equal, assert_approx_equal and assert_array_almost_equal.
In addition to the APIs for the new iterator and half data type, a number of other additions have been made to the C API. The type promotion mechanism used by ufuncs is exposed via PyArray_PromoteTypes, PyArray_ResultType, and PyArray_MinScalarType. A new enumeration NPY_CASTING has been added which controls what types of casts are permitted. This is used by the new functions PyArray_CanCastArrayTo and PyArray_CanCastTypeTo. A more flexible way to handle conversion of arbitrary python objects into arrays is exposed by PyArray_GetArrayParamsFromObject.
Deprecated features¶
The “normed” keyword in numpy.histogram is deprecated. Its functionality will be replaced by the new “density” keyword.
Removed features¶
The functions refft, refft2, refftn, irefft, irefft2, irefftn, which were aliases for the same functions without the ‘e’ in the name, were removed.
The sync() and close() methods of memmap were removed. Use flush() and “del memmap” instead.
The deprecated functions numpy.unique1d, numpy.setmember1d, numpy.intersect1d_nu and numpy.lib.ufunclike.log2 were removed.¶
Several deprecated items were removed from the module:
* ```` "raw_data" method
* ```` constructor "flag" keyword
* ```` "flag" keyword
* ```` "fill_value" keyword
The numpy.get_numpy_include function was removed, use numpy.get_include instead.
NumPy 1.5.0 Release Notes¶
Python 3 compatibility¶
This is the first NumPy release which is compatible with Python 3. Support for Python 3 and Python 2 is done from a single code base. Extensive notes on changes can be found at
Note that the Numpy testing framework relies on nose, which does not have a Python 3 compatible release yet. A working Python 3 branch of nose can be found at however.
Porting of SciPy to Python 3 is expected to be completed soon.
New features¶
Warning on casting complex to real¶
Numpy now emits a numpy.ComplexWarning when a complex number is cast into a real number. For example:
>>> x = np.array([1,2,3])
>>> x[:2] = np.array([1+2j, 1-2j])
ComplexWarning: Casting complex values to real discards the imaginary part
The cast indeed discards the imaginary part, and this may not be the intended behavior in all cases, hence the warning. This warning can be turned off in the standard way:
>>> import warnings
>>> warnings.simplefilter("ignore", np.ComplexWarning)
Dot method for ndarrays¶
Ndarrays now have the dot product also as a method, which allows writing chains of matrix products as
instead of the longer alternative
>>>,, c))
linalg.slogdet function¶
The slogdet function returns the sign and logarithm of the determinant of a matrix. Because the determinant may involve the product of many small/large values, the result is often more accurate than that obtained by simple multiplication.
new header¶
The new header file ndarraytypes.h contains the symbols from ndarrayobject.h that do not depend on the PY_ARRAY_UNIQUE_SYMBOL and NO_IMPORT/_ARRAY macros. Broadly, these symbols are types, typedefs, and enumerations; the array function calls are left in ndarrayobject.h. This allows users to include array-related types and enumerations without needing to concern themselves with the macro expansions and their side- effects.
- The polyint and polyder functions now check that the specified number integrations or derivations is a non-negative integer. The number 0 is a valid value for both functions.
- A degree method has been added to the Polynomial class.
- A trimdeg method has been added to the Polynomial class. It operates like truncate except that the argument is the desired degree of the result, not the number of coefficients.
- now uses None as the default domain for the fit. The default Polynomial domain can be specified by using [] as the domain value.
- Weights can be used in both polyfit and
- A linspace method has been added to the Polynomial class to ease plotting.
- The polymulx function was added.
- The chebint and chebder functions now check that the specified number integrations or derivations is a non-negative integer. The number 0 is a valid value for both functions.
- A degree method has been added to the Chebyshev class.
- A trimdeg method has been added to the Chebyshev class. It operates like truncate except that the argument is the desired degree of the result, not the number of coefficients.
- now uses None as the default domain for the fit. The default Chebyshev domain can be specified by using [] as the domain value.
- Weights can be used in both chebfit and
- A linspace method has been added to the Chebyshev class to ease plotting.
- The chebmulx function was added.
- Added functions for the Chebyshev points of the first and second kind.
After a two years transition period, the old behavior of the histogram function has been phased out, and the “new” keyword has been removed.
The old behavior of correlate was deprecated in 1.4.0, the new behavior (the usual definition for cross-correlation) is now the default.
NumPy 1.4.0 Release Notes¶
This minor includes numerous bug fixes, as well as a few new features. It is backward compatible with 1.3.0 release.
- New datetime dtype support to deal with dates in arrays
- Faster import time
- Extended array wrapping mechanism for ufuncs
- New Neighborhood iterator (C-level only)
- C99-like complex functions in npymath
New features¶
Extended array wrapping mechanism for ufuncs¶
An __array_prepare__ method has been added to ndarray to provide subclasses greater flexibility to interact with ufuncs and ufunc-like functions. ndarray already provided __array_wrap__, which allowed subclasses to set the array type for the result and populate metadata on the way out of the ufunc (as seen in the implementation of MaskedArray). For some applications it is necessary to provide checks and populate metadata on the way in. __array_prepare__ is therefore called just after the ufunc has initialized the output array but before computing the results and populating it. This way, checks can be made and errors raised before operations which may modify data in place.
Automatic detection of forward incompatibilities¶
Previously, if an extension was built against a version N of NumPy, and used on a system with NumPy M < N, the import_array was successfull, which could cause crashes because the version M does not have a function in N. Starting from NumPy 1.4.0, this will cause a failure in import_array, so the error will be catched early on.
New iterators¶
A new neighborhood iterator has been added to the C API. It can be used to iterate over the items in a neighborhood of an array, and can handle boundaries conditions automatically. Zero and one padding are available, as well as arbitrary constant value, mirror and circular padding.
New polynomial support¶
New modules chebyshev and polynomial have been added. The new polynomial module is not compatible with the current polynomial support in numpy, but is much like the new chebyshev module. The most noticeable difference to most will be that coefficients are specified from low to high power, that the low level functions do not work with the Chebyshev and Polynomial classes as arguements, and that the Chebyshev and Polynomial classes include a domain. Mapping between domains is a linear substitution and the two classes can be converted one to the other, allowing, for instance, a Chebyshev series in one domain to be expanded as a polynomial in another domain. The new classes should generally be used instead of the low level functions, the latter are provided for those who wish to build their own classes.
The new modules are not automatically imported into the numpy namespace, they must be explicitly brought in with an “import numpy.polynomial” statement.
New C API¶
The following C functions have been added to the C API:
- PyArray_GetNDArrayCFeatureVersion: return the API version of the loaded numpy.
- PyArray_Correlate2 - like PyArray_Correlate, but implements the usual definition of correlation. Inputs are not swapped, and conjugate is taken for complex arrays.
- PyArray_NeighborhoodIterNew - a new iterator to iterate over a neighborhood of a point, with automatic boundaries handling. It is documented in the iterators section of the C-API reference, and you can find some examples in the multiarray_test.c.src file in numpy.core.
New ufuncs¶
The following ufuncs have been added to the C API:
- copysign - return the value of the first argument with the sign copied from the second argument.
- nextafter - return the next representable floating point value of the first argument toward the second argument.
New defines¶
The alpha processor is now defined and available in numpy/npy_cpu.h. The failed detection of the PARISC processor has been fixed. The defines are:
- deprecated decorator: this decorator may be used to avoid cluttering testing output while testing DeprecationWarning is effectively raised by the decorated test.
- assert_array_almost_equal_nulps: new method to compare two arrays of floating point values. With this function, two values are considered close if there are not many representable floating point values in between, thus being more robust than assert_array_almost_equal when the values fluctuate a lot.
- assert_array_max_ulp: raise an assertion if there are more than N representable numbers between two floating point values.
- assert_warns: raise an AssertionError if a callable does not generate a warning of the appropriate class, without altering the warning state.
Reusing npymath¶
In 1.3.0, we started putting portable C math routines in npymath library, so that people can use those to write portable extensions. Unfortunately, it was not possible to easily link against this library: in 1.4.0, support has been added to numpy.distutils so that 3rd party can reuse this library. See coremath documentation for more information.
Improved set operations¶
In previous versions of NumPy some set functions (intersect1d, setxor1d, setdiff1d and setmember1d) could return incorrect results if the input arrays contained duplicate items. These now work correctly for input arrays with duplicates. setmember1d has been renamed to in1d, as with the change to accept arrays with duplicates it is no longer a set operation, and is conceptually similar to an elementwise version of the Python operator ‘in’. All of these functions now accept the boolean keyword assume_unique. This is False by default, but can be set True if the input arrays are known not to contain duplicates, which can increase the functions’ execution speed.
numpy import is noticeably faster (from 20 to 30 % depending on the platform and computer)
The sort functions now sort nans to the end.
- Real sort order is [R, nan]
- Complex sort order is [R + Rj, R + nanj, nan + Rj, nan + nanj]
Complex numbers with the same nan placements are sorted according to the non-nan part if it exists.
The type comparison functions have been made consistent with the new sort order of nans. Searchsorted now works with sorted arrays containing nan values.
Complex division has been made more resistent to overflow.
Complex floor division has been made more resistent to overflow.
The following functions are deprecated:
- correlate: it takes a new keyword argument old_behavior. When True (the default), it returns the same result as before. When False, compute the conventional correlation, and take the conjugate for complex arrays. The old behavior will be removed in NumPy 1.5, and raises a DeprecationWarning in 1.4.
- unique1d: use unique instead. unique1d raises a deprecation warning in 1.4, and will be removed in 1.5.
- intersect1d_nu: use intersect1d instead. intersect1d_nu raises a deprecation warning in 1.4, and will be removed in 1.5.
- setmember1d: use in1d instead. setmember1d raises a deprecation warning in 1.4, and will be removed in 1.5.
The following raise errors:
- When operating on 0-d arrays, numpy.max and other functions accept only axis=0, axis=-1 and axis=None. Using an out-of-bounds axes is an indication of a bug, so Numpy raises an error for these cases now.
- Specifying axis > MAX_DIMS is no longer allowed; Numpy raises now an error instead of behaving similarly as for axis=None.
Internal changes¶
Use C99 complex functions when available¶
The numpy complex types are now guaranteed to be ABI compatible with C99 complex type, if availble on the platform. Moreoever, the complex ufunc now use the platform C99 functions intead of our own.
split multiarray and umath source code¶
The source code of multiarray and umath has been split into separate logic compilation units. This should make the source code more amenable for newcomers.
Separate compilation¶
By default, every file of multiarray (and umath) is merged into one for compilation as was the case before, but if NPY_SEPARATE_COMPILATION env variable is set to a non-negative value, experimental individual compilation of each file is enabled. This makes the compile/debug cycle much faster when working on core numpy.
Separate core math library¶
New functions which have been added:
- npy_copysign
- npy_nextafter
- npy_cpack
- npy_creal
- npy_cimag
- npy_cabs
- npy_cexp
- npy_clog
- npy_cpow
- npy_csqr
- npy_ccos
- npy_csin
NumPy 1.3.0 Release Notes¶
This minor includes numerous bug fixes, official python 2.6 support, and several new features such as generalized ufuncs.
Python 2.6 support¶
Python 2.6 is now supported on all previously supported platforms, including windows.
Generalized ufuncs¶
There is a general need for looping over not only functions on scalars but also over functions on vectors (or arrays), as explained on We propose to realize this concept by generalizing the universal functions (ufuncs), and provide a C implementation that adds ~500 lines to the numpy code base. In current (specialized) ufuncs, the elementary function is limited to element-by-element operations, whereas the generalized version supports “sub-array” by “sub-array” operations. The Perl vector library PDL provides a similar functionality and its terms are re-used in the following.
Each generalized ufunc has information associated with it that states what the “core” dimensionality of the inputs is, as well as the corresponding dimensionality of the outputs (the element-wise ufuncs have zero core dimensions). The list of the core dimensions for all arguments is called the “signature” of a ufunc. For example, the ufunc numpy.add has signature “(),()->()” defining two scalar inputs and one scalar output.
Another example is (see the GeneralLoopingFunctions page) the function inner1d(a,b) with a signature of “(i),(i)->()”. This applies the inner product along the last axis of each input, but keeps the remaining indices intact. For example, where a is of shape (3,5,N) and b is of shape (5,N), this will return an output of shape (3,5). The underlying elementary function is called 3*5 times. In the signature, we specify one core dimension “(i)” for each input and zero core dimensions “()” for the output, since it takes two 1-d arrays and returns a scalar. By using the same name “i”, we specify that the two corresponding dimensions should be of the same size (or one of them is of size 1 and will be broadcasted).
The dimensions beyond the core dimensions are called “loop” dimensions. In the above example, this corresponds to (3,5).
The usual numpy “broadcasting” rules apply, where the signature determines how the dimensions of each input/output object are split into core and loop dimensions:
While an input array has a smaller dimensionality than the corresponding number of core dimensions, 1’s are pre-pended to its shape. The core dimensions are removed from all inputs and the remaining dimensions are broadcasted; defining the loop dimensions. The output is given by the loop dimensions plus the output core dimensions.
Experimental Windows 64 bits support¶
Numpy can now be built on windows 64 bits (amd64 only, not IA64), with both MS compilers and mingw-w64 compilers:
This is highly experimental: DO NOT USE FOR PRODUCTION USE. See INSTALL.txt, Windows 64 bits section for more information on limitations and how to build it by yourself.
New features¶
Formatting issues¶
Float formatting is now handled by numpy instead of the C runtime: this enables locale independent formatting, more robust fromstring and related methods. Special values (inf and nan) are also more consistent across platforms (nan vs IND/NaN, etc...), and more consistent with recent python formatting work (in 2.6 and later).
Nan handling in max/min¶
The maximum/minimum ufuncs now reliably propagate nans. If one of the arguments is a nan, then nan is retured. This affects np.min/np.max, amin/amax and the array methods max/min. New ufuncs fmax and fmin have been added to deal with non-propagating nans.
Nan handling in sign¶
The ufunc sign now returns nan for the sign of anan.
New ufuncs¶
- fmax - same as maximum for integer types and non-nan floats. Returns the non-nan argument if one argument is nan and returns nan if both arguments are nan.
- fmin - same as minimum for integer types and non-nan floats. Returns the non-nan argument if one argument is nan and returns nan if both arguments are nan.
- deg2rad - converts degrees to radians, same as the radians ufunc.
- rad2deg - converts radians to degrees, same as the degrees ufunc.
- log2 - base 2 logarithm.
- exp2 - base 2 exponential.
- trunc - truncate floats to nearest integer towards zero.
- logaddexp - add numbers stored as logarithms and return the logarithm of the result.
- logaddexp2 - add numbers stored as base 2 logarithms and return the base 2 logarithm of the result result.
Masked arrays¶
Several new features and bug fixes, including:
- structured arrays should now be fully supported by MaskedArray (r6463, r6324, r6305, r6300, r6294...)
- Minor bug fixes (r6356, r6352, r6335, r6299, r6298)
- Improved support for __iter__ (r6326)
- made baseclass, sharedmask and hardmask accesible to the user (but read-only)
- doc update
gfortran support on windows¶
Gfortran can now be used as a fortran compiler for numpy on windows, even when the C compiler is Visual Studio (VS 2005 and above; VS 2003 will NOT work). Gfortran + Visual studio does not work on windows 64 bits (but gcc + gfortran does). It is unclear whether it will be possible to use gfortran and visual studio at all on x64.
Arch option for windows binary¶
Automatic arch detection can now be bypassed from the command line for the superpack installed:
numpy-1.3.0-superpack-win32.exe /arch=nosse
will install a numpy which works on any x86, even if the running computer supports SSE set.
Deprecated features¶
The semantics of histogram has been modified to fix long-standing issues with outliers handling. The main changes concern
- the definition of the bin edges, now including the rightmost edge, and
- the handling of upper outliers, now ignored rather than tallied in the rightmost bin.
The previous behavior is still accessible using new=False, but this is deprecated, and will be removed entirely in 1.4.0.
Documentation changes¶
A lot of documentation has been added. Both user guide and references can be built from sphinx.
New C API¶
Multiarray API¶
The following functions have been added to the multiarray C API:
- PyArray_GetEndianness: to get runtime endianness
Ufunc API¶
The following functions have been added to the ufunc API:
- PyUFunc_FromFuncAndDataAndSignature: to declare a more general ufunc (generalized ufunc).
New defines¶
New public C defines are available for ARCH specific code through numpy/npy_cpu.h:
- NPY_CPU_X86: x86 arch (32 bits)
- NPY_CPU_AMD64: amd64 arch (x86_64, NOT Itanium)
- NPY_CPU_PPC: 32 bits ppc
- NPY_CPU_PPC64: 64 bits ppc
- NPY_CPU_SPARC: 32 bits sparc
- NPY_CPU_SPARC64: 64 bits sparc
- NPY_CPU_S390: S390
- NPY_CPU_IA64: ia64
New macros for CPU endianness has been added as well (see internal changes below for details):
- NPY_BYTE_ORDER: integer
Those provide portable alternatives to glibc endian.h macros for platforms without it.
Portable NAN, INFINITY, etc...¶
npy_math.h now makes available several portable macro to get NAN, INFINITY:
- NPY_NAN: equivalent to NAN, which is a GNU extension
- NPY_INFINITY: equivalent to C99 INFINITY
- NPY_PZERO, NPY_NZERO: positive and negative zero respectively
Corresponding single and extended precision macros are available as well. All references to NAN, or home-grown computation of NAN on the fly have been removed for consistency.
Internal changes¶
numpy.core math configuration revamp¶
This should make the porting to new platforms easier, and more robust. In particular, the configuration stage does not need to execute any code on the target platform, which is a first step toward cross-compilation.
umath refactor¶
A lot of code cleanup for umath/ufunc code (charris).
Improvements to build warnings¶
Numpy can now build with -W -Wall without warnings
Separate core math library¶
The core math functions (sin, cos, etc... for basic C types) have been put into a separate library; it acts as a compatibility layer, to support most C99 maths functions (real only for now). The library includes platform-specific fixes for various maths functions, such as using those versions should be more robust than using your platform functions directly. The API for existing functions is exactly the same as the C99 math functions API; the only difference is the npy prefix (npy_cos vs cos).
The core library will be made available to any extension in 1.4.0.
CPU arch detection¶
npy_cpu.h defines numpy specific CPU defines, such as NPY_CPU_X86, etc... Those are portable across OS and toolchains, and set up when the header is parsed, so that they can be safely used even in the case of cross-compilation (the values is not set when numpy is built), or for multi-arch binaries (e.g. fat binaries on Max OS X).
npy_endian.h defines numpy specific endianness defines, modeled on the glibc endian.h. NPY_BYTE_ORDER is equivalent to BYTE_ORDER, and one of NPY_LITTLE_ENDIAN or NPY_BIG_ENDIAN is defined. As for CPU archs, those are set when the header is parsed by the compiler, and as such can be used for cross-compilation and multi-arch binaries.