This is documentation for an old release of NumPy (version 1.7.0). Read this page in the documentation of the latest stable release (version > 1.17).
Integrate a Hermite_e series.
Returns the Hermite_e series coefficients c integrated m times from lbnd along axis. At each iteration the resulting series is multiplied by scl and an integration constant, k, is added. The scaling factor is for use in a linear change of variable. (“Buyer beware”: note that, depending on what one is doing, one may want scl to be the reciprocal of what one might expect; for more information, see the Notes section below.) The argument c is an array of coefficients from low to high degree along each axis, e.g., [1,2,3] represents the series H_0 + 2*H_1 + 3*H_2 while [[1,2],[1,2]] represents 1*H_0(x)*H_0(y) + 1*H_1(x)*H_0(y) + 2*H_0(x)*H_1(y) + 2*H_1(x)*H_1(y) if axis=0 is x and axis=1 is y.
Parameters : | c : array_like
m : int, optional
k : {[], list, scalar}, optional
lbnd : scalar, optional
scl : scalar, optional
axis : int, optional
Returns : | S : ndarray
Raises : | ValueError :
See also
Note that the result of each integration is multiplied by scl. Why is this important to note? Say one is making a linear change of variable in an integral relative to x. Then .. math::dx = du/a, so one will need to set scl equal to - perhaps not what one would have first thought.
Also note that, in general, the result of integrating a C-series needs to be “reprojected” onto the C-series basis set. Thus, typically, the result of this function is “unintuitive,” albeit correct; see Examples section below.
>>> from numpy.polynomial.hermite_e import hermeint
>>> hermeint([1, 2, 3]) # integrate once, value 0 at 0.
array([ 1., 1., 1., 1.])
>>> hermeint([1, 2, 3], m=2) # integrate twice, value & deriv 0 at 0
array([-0.25 , 1. , 0.5 , 0.33333333, 0.25 ])
>>> hermeint([1, 2, 3], k=1) # integrate once, value 1 at 0.
array([ 2., 1., 1., 1.])
>>> hermeint([1, 2, 3], lbnd=-1) # integrate once, value 0 at -1
array([-1., 1., 1., 1.])
>>> hermeint([1, 2, 3], m=2, k=[1, 2], lbnd=-1)
array([ 1.83333333, 0. , 0.5 , 0.33333333, 0.25 ])