load (file[, mmap_mode]) | Load a pickled, .npy, or .npz binary file. |
save (file, arr) | Save an array to a binary file in NumPy format. |
savez (file, *args, **kwds) | Save several arrays into an .npz file format which is a zipped-archive of arrays |
loadtxt (fname[, dtype, comments, ...]) | Load data from a text file. |
savetxt (fname, X[, fmt, delimiter]) | Save an array to file. |
fromregex (file, regexp, dtype) | Construct an array from a text file, using regular-expressions parsing. |
fromstring (string[, dtype, count, sep]) | Return a new 1d array initialized from raw binary or text data in string. |
ndarray.tofile (fid[, sep, format]) | Write array to a file as text or binary. |
ndarray.tolist () | Return the array as a possibly nested list. |
array_repr (arr[, max_line_width, ...]) | Return the string representation of an array. |
array_str (a[, max_line_width, ...]) | Return a string representation of an array. |
set_printoptions ([precision, threshold, ...]) | Set printing options. |
get_printoptions () | Return the current print options. |
set_string_function (f[, repr]) | Set a Python function to be used when pretty printing arrays. |
binary_repr (num[, width]) | Return the binary representation of the input number as a string. |
base_repr (number[, base, padding]) | Return a string representation of a number in the given base system. |
DataSource | A generic data source file (file, http, ftp, ...). |