Miscellaneous routines¶
Buffer objects¶
getbuffer(obj [,offset[, size]]) | Create a buffer object from the given object referencing a slice of length size starting at offset. |
newbuffer(size) | Return a new uninitialized buffer object. |
Performance tuning¶
alterdot() | Change dot, vdot, and inner to use accelerated BLAS functions. |
restoredot() | Restore dot, vdot, and innerproduct to the default non-BLAS implementations. |
setbufsize(size) | Set the size of the buffer used in ufuncs. |
getbufsize() | Return the size of the buffer used in ufuncs. |
Memory ranges¶
shares_memory(a, b[, max_work]) | Determine if two arrays share memory |
may_share_memory(a, b[, max_work]) | Determine if two arrays might share memory |
NumPy version comparison¶
lib.NumpyVersion(vstring) | Parse and compare numpy version strings. |