This page is based with thanks on the wiki page on subclassing by Pierre Gerard-Marchant -
Subclassing ndarray is relatively simple, but you will need to understand some behavior of ndarrays to understand some minor complications to subclassing. There are examples at the bottom of the page, but you will probably want to read the background to understand why subclassing works as it does.
The creation of ndarrays is complicated by the need to return views of ndarrays, that are also ndarrays. For example:
>>> import numpy as np
>>> arr = np.zeros((3,))
>>> type(arr)
<type 'numpy.ndarray'>
>>> v = arr[1:]
>>> type(v)
<type 'numpy.ndarray'>
>>> v is arr
So, when we take a view (here a slice) from the ndarray, we return a new ndarray, that points to the data in the original. When we subclass ndarray, taking a view (such as a slice) needs to return an object of our own class. There is machinery to do this, but it is this machinery that makes subclassing slightly non-standard.
To allow subclassing, and views of subclasses, ndarray uses the ndarray __new__ method for the main work of object initialization, rather then the more usual __init__ method.
__new__ is a standard python method, and, if present, is called before __init__ when we create a class instance. Consider the following:
class C(object):
def __new__(cls, *args):
print 'Args in __new__:', args
return object.__new__(cls, *args)
def __init__(self, *args):
print 'Args in __init__:', args
The code gives the following output:
cls is: <class '__main__.C'>
Args in __new__: ('hello',)
self is : <__main__.C object at 0xb7dc720c>
Args in __init__: ('hello',)
When we call C('hello'), the __new__ method gets its own class as first argument, and the passed argument, which is the string 'hello'. After python calls __new__, it usually (see below) calls our __init__ method, with the output of __new__ as the first argument (now a class instance), and the passed arguments following.
As you can see, the object can be initialized in the __new__ method or the __init__ method, or both, and in fact ndarray does not have an __init__ method, because all the initialization is done in the __new__ method.
Why use __new__ rather than just the usual __init__? Because in some cases, as for ndarray, we want to be able to return an object of some other class. Consider the following:
class C(object):
def __new__(cls, *args):
print 'cls is:', cls
print 'Args in __new__:', args
return object.__new__(cls, *args)
def __init__(self, *args):
print 'self is :', self
print 'Args in __init__:', args
class D(C):
def __new__(cls, *args):
print 'D cls is:', cls
print 'D args in __new__:', args
return C.__new__(C, *args)
def __init__(self, *args):
print 'D self is :', self
print 'D args in __init__:', args
which gives:
D cls is: <class '__main__.D'>
D args in __new__: ('hello',)
cls is: <class '__main__.C'>
Args in __new__: ('hello',)
The definition of C is the same as before, but for D, the __new__ method returns an instance of class C rather than D. Note that the __init__ method of D does not get called. In general, when the __new__ method returns an object of class other than the class in which it is defined, the __init__ method of that class is not called.
This is how subclasses of the ndarray class are able to return views that preserve the class type. When taking a view, the standard ndarray machinery creates the new ndarray object with something like:
obj = ndarray.__new__(subtype, shape, ...
where subdtype is the subclass. Thus the returned view is of the same class as the subclass, rather than being of class ndarray.
That solves the problem of returning views of the same type, but now we have a new problem. The machinery of ndarray can set the class this way, in its standard methods for taking views, but the ndarray __new__ method knows nothing of what we have done in our own __new__ method in order to set attributes, and so on. (Aside - why not call obj = subdtype.__new__(... then? Because we may not have a __new__ method with the same call signature).
So, when creating a new view object of our subclass, we need to be able to set any extra attributes from the original object of our class. This is the role of the __array_finalize__ method of ndarray. __array_finalize__ is called from within the ndarray machinery, each time we create an ndarray of our own class, and passes in the new view object, created as above, as well as the old object from which the view has been taken. In it we can take any attributes from the old object and put then into the new view object, or do any other related processing. Now we are ready for a simple example.
import numpy as np
class InfoArray(np.ndarray):
def __new__(subtype, shape, dtype=float, buffer=None, offset=0,
strides=None, order=None, info=None):
# Create the ndarray instance of our type, given the usual
# input arguments. This will call the standard ndarray
# constructor, but return an object of our type
obj = np.ndarray.__new__(subtype, shape, dtype, buffer, offset, strides,
# add the new attribute to the created instance = info
# Finally, we must return the newly created object:
return obj
def __array_finalize__(self,obj):
# reset the attribute from passed original object = getattr(obj, 'info', None)
# We do not need to return anything
obj = InfoArray(shape=(3,), info='information')
print type(obj)
v = obj[1:]
print type(v)
which gives:
<class '__main__.InfoArray'>
<class '__main__.InfoArray'>
This class isn’t very useful, because it has the same constructor as the bare ndarray object, including passing in buffers and shapes and so on. We would probably prefer to be able to take an already formed ndarray from the usual numpy calls to np.array and return an object.
Here is a class (with thanks to Pierre GM for the original example), that takes array that already exists, casts as our type, and adds an extra attribute:
import numpy as np
class RealisticInfoArray(np.ndarray):
def __new__(cls, input_array, info=None):
# Input array is an already formed ndarray instance
# We first cast to be our class type
obj = np.asarray(input_array).view(cls)
# add the new attribute to the created instance = info
# Finally, we must return the newly created object:
return obj
def __array_finalize__(self,obj):
# reset the attribute from passed original object = getattr(obj, 'info', None)
# We do not need to return anything
arr = np.arange(5)
obj = RealisticInfoArray(arr, info='information')
print type(obj)
v = obj[1:]
print type(v)
which gives:
<class '__main__.RealisticInfoArray'>
<class '__main__.RealisticInfoArray'>
Let’s say you have an instance obj of your new subclass, RealisticInfoArray, and you pass it into a ufunc with another array:
arr = np.arange(5)
ret = np.multiply.outer(arr, obj)
When a numpy ufunc is called on a subclass of ndarray, the __array_wrap__ method is called to transform the result into a new instance of the subclass. By default, __array_wrap__ will call __array_finalize__, and the attributes will be inherited.
By defining a specific __array_wrap__ method for our subclass, we can tweak the output. The __array_wrap__ method requires one argument, the object on which the ufunc is applied, and an optional parameter context. This parameter is returned by some ufuncs as a 3-element tuple: (name of the ufunc, argument of the ufunc, domain of the ufunc). See the masked array subclass for an implementation.
One of the problems that ndarray solves is that of memory ownership of ndarrays and their views. Consider the case where we have created an ndarray, arr and then taken a view with v = arr[1:]. If we then do del v, we need to make sure that the del does not delete the memory pointed to by the view, because we still need it for the original arr object. Numpy therefore keeps track of where the data came from for a particular array or view, with the base attribute:
import numpy as np
# A normal ndarray, that owns its own data
arr = np.zeros((4,))
# In this case, base is None
assert arr.base is None
# We take a view
v1 = arr[1:]
# base now points to the array that it derived from
assert v1.base is arr
# Take a view of a view
v2 = v1[1:]
# base points to the view it derived from
assert v2.base is v1
The assertions all succeed in this case. In general, if the array owns its own memory, as for arr in this case, then arr.base will be None - there are some exceptions to this - see the numpy book for more details.
The base attribute is useful in being able to tell whether we have a view or the original array. This in turn can be useful if we need to know whether or not to do some specific cleanup when the subclassed array is deleted. For example, we may only want to do the cleanup if the original array is deleted, but not the views. For an example of how this can work, have a look at the memmap class in numpy.core.